Nov 07, 2006 10:44
I seem to have real talent in keeping busy. At the moment I have something to do for all evenings this week, except for Saturday and Sunday (for now).
Yesterday I had choir practice and it went very well. I got my voice well open ("avattua äänen") and could sing the higher notes a little louder than usual. It was cool, not having to struggle with them so much this time. Of our Christmas songs I love a Tchaikovsky piece "Legend" the most. We sang it last year too and I'm really annoyed that I seem to have misplaced my copy of the Christmas concert cd. I could've put it up for dowloading and then bugged everyone until they listened to it. Bah.
People in Helsinki, if you're bored on December 12th (Tuesday), come listen to our little Christmas concert in the church of Kallio at 7 pm. :)
And what will I be doing the rest of the week? Two taiji lessons, a work info occasion with food, possibly seeing a play in a theatre and again food afterwards, shopping for paints for the little renovation project of mine and then there would be a farewell party of a workmate, but that one I don't think I'll attend.
At least the week should go quickly. It's strange how it feels like I'm not really living at the moment... just waiting for time to pass until Jutta comes here and makes being alive fun again. That sounds really depressing, I know, but I can't help it. o.O (right, no pressure, Jutta... err...) I mean, it isn't all bad right now, the days have very good moments, but once those moments pass, I start feeling like a robot again and I just go on from day to day because I have to. Useless existence, like Joe called her last summer alone. And what will happen when it's time for Jutta to return to Turku? I might just be pathetic enough to follow... if it's somehow possible. :P
Not much use planning it yet, though, as I have no idea what the situation will be then. Bothersome.