Yadda, Yadda, Yadda

Jan 21, 2010 12:17

Think I will steal the "liam-style post" again.

1. Sold my fisrt ticket for Daffodil, and got a reservation coming through the mail. James took some up to the Nanaimo practice too. So yay people will come :). Found 2 more helpers for kitchen too. P will feel better.

2. I am going to ask him about getting the hot-head set up for bead making. The Coronet here are desperate for largess apparently, I won't have a lot of time with the Louisbourg contract on the way. An evening of bead making could be fit in though, it think.

3. I would also like to make our silk banners for Daffodil. They would most likely only take a day, and could easily be done outside. I am far more worried about getting silk paint on the carpets here than at the house in Lower Sackville. It would require a non-raining day, that may be more problematic.

4. I would also like to get painting with painting the sewing room. Then I can get my little TV in there. I just really like having the background filled with TV/movie drone while I work. Pride and Prejudice and Harry potter being favorites to sew by.

5. This weekend will be gardening though. Hopefully the bramble can be uprooted before taking off again. Then I can move the hosta into that space. Move the daisies from the right bed to the left and see what I need to do to propagate the lavender. This should gove more room in the right bed for the snapdragons. I also need to see if I can find someone selling holly bushes. I just would really like a holly bush. I haven't figured out what to do with the front bed yet...

6. I really must try to get better at planning meals when P is away. I get home and am fairly hungry so do want to take too long to cook. I have had egg dishes the past 2 nights. I need to eat more veggies, I had a pear with French Toast Tues. night, and put some yellow pepper with a side of salsa with the scrambled eggs last night, but these are now where near enough. The Jaime Oliver cookbook has a section of evening meals/quick cooking, maybe I should investigate that more.

7. I also really want to improve my fencing. P and I have been doing a few drills at Sunday practices. A new friend Carol is also starting to fence and seeing Mathieu instruct her shows me how much of the basic info I am missing. I do not expect to beskilled enough to a White Scarf or anything, but I would like to be more than a easy score for others. Hmmm, must check with P if there are drills I can do at home. And I should be practicing lunges and working on wrist strength.

generalities, fencing, gardening

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