Jan 20, 2015 11:46
I have been out of the cast for a week now. I was amazed at the soreness of my wrist when it first came off, and the effect on my middle finger. This week is much better. wrist is fine and middle finger can fully bend into a curled position. Index finger is improving but still a way to go. Typing is still not fun.
I have decided to completely forgo looking for any type of work. I could do some temp, but we are going to have a trip to South England now, so have to work around that. We aren't hurting for funds and are actually ahead of the game due to his allowances of over seas services. I am finding I am in a better state of mind and less stressed now the decision is made.
So I have been doing some knitting again (getting easier and easier as the finger loosens up). Today I want to work on the stocking pattern I draped. Hopefully tomorrow I can start a new bodice for a kirtle. Thursday, Ciorstaidh is coming over to work on her stuff. The goal is to have a viking outfit ready for her for Tournoi.
I am not sure how much my head is in deep in the SCA these days. I have no really strong feelings about the recent peerage vote that seems to have half the known world up in arms. People were going to be ticked no matter the result. There is some stupidity happening in local Seagirt politics , where an individual seems determined to make it into a "world ending" issue. I still enjoy most SCA things. I still want to make stuff, I just can't seem to care about the "big" things. Maybe this is a good thing :) I will continue on doing what I _want_ to do, let others do what they _want_ to do, help where I can, but not get emotionally invested.
In the meantime, must do some more England research. I am not sure my brain has clued in that this may actually happen.