Feb 28, 2005 10:15
So says I watching Beyonce sing in French at the Oscars. Beyonce must have given the head of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences one spectacular blowjob, because she sang two songs on her own. Then she sang a song with Josh Groban, and I knew I'd just entered the ninth circle of hell. Stacy and I watche the Oscars last night instead of our beloved Carnivale, and what a waste. I was incredibly pissed off at the new format, the Oscar was given to people in their seats, instead of them getting to go up onstage. Oh, but this was only done for the 'non-star' awards, awards like best short film and such. You know what? The quote unquote big name stars will have plenty of oppurtunity to get up onstage in the future, they will be able to break their arms patting themselves on the back. The smaller award winners will probably never get this oppurtunity again, and most of them have worked harder then the vapid starlets parading onstage in their Versace gowns. Grrrrrrr!!!!
On the plus side, Charlie Kaufman won a very deserved best original screenplay Oscar for Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, and gave a very cute, nerve wracked speech. Yay!
Chris Rock was a lot funnier as a host then Billy Crystal could ever be.
Go Clint! I havnen't seen 'The Aviator' or 'Million Dollar Baby' but I heart Clint Eastwood, so yay! His 96 year old mother was there, and it 'bought brought a tear to my eye.