First of all, the Ashland Shakespeare Festival is playing Hamlet, Twelfth Night, and Pride and Prejudice this season. Hamlet, baby! I want to gooooo. Transportation is the issue now that I'm not in high school with that nifty travel club.
Was also going to do Calc hw now, but the site's down, so eh.
Two weeks ago, I went to see Swan Lake. It was awesome. I went with my aunt again; she was really bummed out she got the wrong tickets. We sat a tier above where we were last time, so we were in the nose-bleed section. You could see well enough, and there were screens that came down from the ceiling, but those weren't very helpful since they were smaller than what you could see on the stage. What they were helpful though, was for seeing what was at the top of the stage. Due to being so high, you couldn't see all of the background. So the palace and huge ass moon? Couldn't see that. Had to look at screen. Similarly, when action occurred on the cliff/incline at the back of the stage and the dancers started climbing it, couldn't see 'em either. Had to watch the screen to see some of entrances, mostly Rothbart's.
This was actually an encore performance of last year's new production. There was an added prologue in the beginning where you see Rothbart turn Odette into a swan. The part where her shadow turns into a swan was pretty darn neat. My aunt and I discussed if familiarity to the plot would've helped. Having seen The Swan Princess, I know the story; she didn't, so she was confused at some of the parts. The notes in the program stated that this production was aimed to make the plot clear to even those unfamiliar with the story.
I wasn't too fond of the costumes in the first act. The skirts were very long, so you couldn't see the line of the legs. (Lol, thus I learned the purpose of a tutu) And the prince kinda blended in with the crowd at times. Act II dragged a bit for me; the music was all slow and I started to get sleepy. There were tutus though, so I could see the dancer's legs. Some (perhaps most, I'm not a ballet expert) wasn't new choreography; I recognized some of it from the version with Nureyev I saw on DVD. Act II of course has the totally awesome and hella badass Black Swan pas de deux. Fouette turns baby, fouette turns! I don't think there were 32 turns (as is the standard I think), but hey, still pretty damn impressive. Yeah, that Black Swan pas de deux was awesome. Act IV, the program noted, had an added pas de deux between Odette and Siegfried. This particular version ended with both Odette and Siegfried dying, but still defeating Rothbart. At the end, the swans all (kinda) bow and a pair of swans are scene flying across the silhouette of the moon. Had I not read the program notes, I wouldn't have known to look for it on the screen, since that part of the background was obscured due to seating.
And I thought of Princess Tutu a lot throughout it. XD There were definitely Kraehe vibes from Odile.
I liked it; but the second act really kinda put a damper on things for me. My aunt, however, absolutely loved it and its beauty. I'd tell you all to see it, but it closed the next day.
Went with the dormies to SF last Sunday (thus forfeiting my one day of sleeping in, sigh). Walked most of the Golden Gate bridge, and then headed to Chinatown. There was a festival going on for New Year's I believe. Missed the parade though, and therefore missed the dragon dancers. :/ However, we had fun looking at all the vendors. We ate at a restaurant for dinner; it was a decent buy. $12 per person for family style dinner; ~5 entrees, 3 appetizers and dessert. And it was you know, way more authentic than what the school has here. XD Was slightly disappointed it was chicken chow fun and now beef, lol.
New Year's celebration on my mom's side tomorrow. Wheeee! Looking forward to seeing family. I'm slightly worried I might be getting sick since hecka people are getting sick, but I think it's allergies. My nose doesn't run when I'm in my room; only when I'm in class.
And now I present, a fangirl's reaction to ch 392 of Bleach.
hitsuhina leaks spoilers about Hinamori getting shanked. Much angst ensues. Thinking "WTF Kubo, you killed Ulquiorra, and now Hinamori!"
ulqui_hime talks about the color spread. Much squee-ing ensues. Ulquiorra looks so damn cute being confused at the heart candy. XD And Byakuya's hair! Lol.
-Read the chapter. Squee'd at the color spread again and then descended into more angst at Hinamori. Too cruel Kubo, giving hope to one ship and making another despair.
-Procrastinated reading TS Eliot for reading everyone's reactions to ch 392 because I am that hung up on Hinamori getting stabbed.
-Finally read Eliot. Can now say I have the Love Song of some old dude, and The Waste Land. Much confusion. Slightly worried about doing my writing assignment on that. Might be better off taking my chances with Langston Hughes. Although I could just skip the assignments on the poetry, but then that doesn't give me any slack...
-Waited for HitsuHina fic to appear. Very little does.
-Cursed Kubo's hiatus next week.
-Tried to figure out WTF happened with the Aizen-Hinamori switcheroo. Because having absolute hypnosis is a hella douchebag-y ability, I'm wondering if he's just been lying about that power the entire time. Aizen says he has this power just to freak everyone out, but there's really logical reasons to all of his "illusions," kinda like a magaician's magic isn't really magic.
- continue cursing cliffhanger
- continue to await Hitsuhina fic.
And such is the life of a very pathetic shipper. XDDD