oh snap...

Feb 19, 2008 02:44

It be very late at night. Or very early in the morning. Depends how you look at it. I still be writing my English essay on compulsory voting. It be difficult. I'm not particularly passionate on the topic, and everything I think run around in circles. It's frustrating because whatever I get on this essay is my grade on my progress report. Ergh. Yeah, I'm one of those people who tweak out if they don't get an A. Wait, no, I mean, I'd be bummed, but I wouldn't cry over it. Probably. Depends on how I feel at the moment. Depends how certain people take it. Oh, and according to Linay's quiz from way back when I am 87% burned-out. Stupid AP classes.

Night. Er. Good morning?

Anyways thanks for listening to me ramble, no one wants to hear me vent. Yeah, I want "it'll be ok" and I get "RARRRRRRRRRRRR." yeah, anyway. Me going back to essay now.

(glares at alien space ducks. you're pretty lousy muses)

Hope you guys had a better three-day weekend.

school, rant, random

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