And so...

Feb 09, 2008 23:07

I think I'll post here instead of actually writing in my journal..

I play clarinet in the school band and in a fit of insanity I decided to try out for honor band. Two days before the CD was due. So, crazy me decides to practice for ten hours straight. It be crazy madness because I am not a great clarinet player. I curse you POULENC with all the soreness in my lips and thumbs that finally abated!!!!

Anyways, somehow, miraculously (the first movement was absolutely horrid but the Romanza was decent), I got in. And I'm not last chair! YES!!! But wait! My family then tells me (after I find out I made the cut) that we're celebrating Chinese New Year's (Gung Hay Fat Choy everyone...) on the day of the performance! Needless to say, I was not pleased. I just couldn't throw away my ten-hour practices... So I am missing New Year's, my grandma's great authentic Chinese food, all the New Year's only food, and of course the company of my family. I'm really bummed I miss out on seeing my cousin-in-law whom I haven't seen in about a year (she's been in Japan for her wedding, which I also missed. Boo.)

Music: Keiko Matsui + Beautiful World/Utada Hikaru = <3

School related stuffs: I really need to get serious about my French. For the past two and a half years I've been skating by without much effort, but I realize that after I bombed the last test (I couldn't remember if "le dimanche" was "every Sunday" or not) I really need to clean up my act. I'm planning on taking French IV AP next semester, and there's only going to be one other student in the class. And it's almost all independent study. So yeah, je dois etudier beaucoup. See, I even had to Babelfish how to conjugate the subjunctive. Bad. Bad. Bad.

On the artistic note, I did a semi-realistic drawing of myself and then I tried to draw the the-Boy-who-shall-not-be-named (who I often call the bastard in my head) decides to pop up in the picture as well. T_T; I am fairly sure it means something that my muse likes him. A lot. When I really don't like him.

On a fangirl note, missselah  had a post that showed the actors of Peter and Claire from Heroes holding hands. Squee! Sadly, even after the squicky-ness appeared, I still ship Paire... Also, chapter 36 of Vampire Knight by Matsuri Hino... <3333333

And I now have a Facebook.

And when one feels fat and pudgy, it is a source of great comfort that once can still fit into young girl's clothing stores like Justice.   And do a lot of sit-ups and hold plank for a minute.

Okay, done ranting.

Have a nice three-day weekend!

school, ship: peter/claire, muse, manga: vampire knight, tv: heroes, shopping, school: french, fangirling, beautiful boy, music, random, family, drawing, clarinet

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