SPN fanfic. - Proving You to Me

Jan 10, 2011 21:40


Dean was almost positive Gabriel was cock-blocking him on purpose. He was more than positive, though he couldn’t prove it, that all the times that he was left with a hard dick and no Castiel to share it with was all the Trickster/Arch Angel’s fault.

Well, his fault and Sammy’s. Nobody asked his brother to barge in on them when Dean finally got Castiel’s panties off and was just starting to get a taste, in fact they had gotten separate rooms to avoid this problem, but Sam walked in and embarrassed them all. Castiel blushed heavily and stuttered out something, Dean wasn’t sure what; the only thing making it through his mind was that when Castiel blushed, she blushed all over.

That night he cursed his brother (Sam still can’t explain why he walked into their room, says he doesn’t even remember it) and jacked-off because Castiel disappeared all flustered and embarrassed before Sam even said he was sorry.

“Dean, Dean, Dean…” Gabriel chided as if he was talking to a small child. “There’s a wrong and a right way to do everything and you can’t even get the wrong-way right.”

Then there were the instances where he would actually take the time and energy to show up and personally cock-block Dean himself.

He was lounging in the ugly green-yellowish chair by the hotel room’s window, looking as if Dean had personally offended him, which, considering he was about three-to-four steps away from having sex with Castiel, the ‘little sister’, he might have. One never knew with the Trickster/Archangel of Judgment.

“Gabriel,” Castiel sounded agitated-Dean couldn’t help but notice-that the archangel was there at that moment, but patient enough to deal with him. “What are you doing here?”

“Aw, little sis, I came here to check up on you!”

“Yeah, and as you can see she’s just fine, now leave.” Dean didn’t know how the sibling thing worked up in heaven but he was damn sure if he walked in on Sam and some chick getting it on he would not want to see his brother in his birthday-suit. He would wish to be blinded before he ever got an eyeful of that and knew Sam felt like-wise.

Even though she wasn’t fully naked; they hadn’t gotten that far yet before they were interrupted. She was down to her black skirt, it was already unzipped and ready to be pulled down, and panties but her top was completely bare and Gabriel was definitely looking.

Gabriel shook his head in mock disappointment, clicking his tongue. Before either occupant on the bed could do anything Gabriel brought his hand up and snapped, loudly.

In a flash, Dean found himself in the chair that Gabriel was sitting in; it was as uncomfortable as it looked and Gabriel in the same position Dean had been in over Castiel’s lean form. Anger rushed through him as he struggled against an invisible force to move.

“Gabriel,” Castiel said sternly in her fuck-all voice, her hands firm on Gabriel’s chest as he grinned down at her. “I do not find this funny.”

“Really, really not funny!” Dean shouted from his side of the room, not even the chair moved with his struggling. “Let me go, you dick with wings!”

Gabriel chucked low as he took Castiel’s hands in his own, leaning down to whisper in her ear.

Dean watched as her eyes widened and her breathing became shallow and uneven. By the time Gabriel leaned back, Castiel was wriggling around hardly containing herself as she pushed her hips up into Gabriel’s, moaning softly.

“What did you do?” Dean demanded, ready to rip the Archangel apart with his bare hands.

“Hm?” Gabriel didn’t even look over at him, just waved a hand in his direction. “Oh; nothing, nothing. Relax, Dean-o, you’ll like this.”

“Damn it Gab-“

“I like it when he uses his mouth on me. He says it’s is favorite activity besides eating pie, but it’s a very close second.”

Dean fell silent, stunned and speechless. Castiel’s fingers began tracing around the inside of her thighs and both Dean and Gabriel followed the motion with their eyes closely.

“How does he use his mouth?” Gabriel whispered, leaning in close to run his lips lightly against the other angel’s stomach. “Tell me how Dean takes care of you, little sister.”

“Mm,” Castiel whimpered, trailing her hands up to her breast. “He likes to bite my nipples. Sucks on them and plays with them with his tongue, it feels good.”

She flicks her fingers against the little pink nubs and lets out a sigh. “They aren’t that sensitive, but… I like how it feels when he touches them.”

Dean moaned, closing his eyes to help him concentrate on his breathing. “Stop,”-he said weakly, his voiced cracked and worn-“Stop making her say those things, stop doing this to her.”

Gabriel laughed, loud and strong against Castiel’s stomach. Licking around her belly-button and giving it a little kiss before he sat up, finally looking over at Dean bound in the ugly chair. “I’m not making her say anything nor am I making her do anything.”

“Bullshit!” Dean shot back, twisting around in the chair. “She wouldn’t say things like-like-like that.”

“Oh, you like it.” Gabriel’s eyes flickered over to Castiel, watched as she ran her palms over her breasts before looking back over at Dean again. “She’s not under any spell if that’s what you’re thinking. Just… sort of… intoxicated-well, not really; but its close. “

Dean grit his teeth in anger, “Stop it. Now.”

“No-can-do, my friend,” Gabriel smiled, running his finger tips down Castiel’s body, enjoying it more when he caught Dean’s eyes following his fingers. “I’m a fan of finishing what I start.”

Before Dean could reply, a thick piece of duck-tape covered his mouth and Gabriel sighed in relief, mocking him. “Ah, now that you’re done being annoying…” -he turned to Castiel who was still playing with her breasts-“how about you tell me more of how Dean, over there, takes care of you.”

“I also like when he kisses me. I like tasting him after he’s done eating his favorite pie-he’s more enthusiastic then, but he tastes good. He rolls his tongue in my mouth and tells me to play with him. His hands are my favorite. They’re big-not as big as his brother’s-but skilled. I like watching him clean his weapons almost as much as I like feeling them in me. He gives such special attention to the things he does with his hands.”

Dean’s hips jerked; he knew Castiel always did prefer him to use his fingers than his mouth but hearing her talking about it left him aching.

“He usually starts with running his fingers over my panties, likes the feel of me getting wet through them before he moves them aside, sometimes without taking them off, and pushes his fingers inside and curls them. Dean makes sure I come at least once before he moves on; sometimes he’ll spend longer down there, licking and fingering me. It all depends.”

Castiel was now swaying her hips back and forth, wanting friction between her and Gabriel. She was wet, Gabriel could feel and see that; her white panties didn’t hide much. He wanted to take her right there and now, to snap both of their clothes off and slide his way inside of her but that wasn’t what he was here for. It would be a nice perk though.

He glanced over at Dean, who wasn’t paying attention to him anymore and was just listening almost obsessively to the things Castiel was saying and admitting to. She was talking about the first time they had had sex in Dean’s car-how it was too cramped to move properly but she loved how they were so close to each other.

And the times where Dean convinced her to not wear her underwear and he would go down on her in a public bathroom, how much time he took to see that she was taken care of and seen to first before he even thought of himself.

“Alright.” He said suddenly, stopping Castiel’s mid-rant through happy memories of her and Dean. “Now all this Show and Tell needs is a little more some show.”

Dean choked back a cry as the chair jerked forward and moved to the side of the bed where Castiel was being held in Gabriel’s lap, her legs being lifted and placed on the arms of the chair being presented to Dean fully. She was completely without clothes now, eyes focused on Dean as she reached for him her fingers tracing around his face.

“Well, go on Dean-o.”

Dean glared but hesitantly leaned forward; breathe hitching slightly when he realized he could only move his upper body. He watched Castiel’s face, her eyes, as he placed a small kiss on her mound before flicking his tongue inside her quickly; if Gabriel wanted a show he would gladly give him one.

“Dean,” Castiel sighed out his name with a smile on her beautiful face, it made Dean’s cock twitch and his chest tighten. She ran her fingers through his hair as he went back down to run his tongue along her opening.

He desperately wanted to touch her, after all of her confessions of her loving his touch, his fingers twitched without moving; skin crawling all along his arms and down his spine; itching to move.

By the time his tongue hit Castiel’s clit she was already breathing heavily and trying to not move her hips too erratically for him. Gabriel was helping somewhat by holding her up and keeping her steady, but Dean could tell he wanted to touch more, saw it in his eyes when he looked up Castiel’s body and saw the Archangel staring back down at him.

Dean was merciless with his tongue on her clit, his jaw ached but he didn’t stop even as her moans grew higher in pitch and more frequent.

“Fingers! Please, please let him use his-“Castiel, gasped, breaking off with a moan and using the leverage she had on the chairs arm-rests to lift herself closer to Dean’s mouth; Dean following the motion smoothly. “Please, please, please…”

Castiel’s pleading made Gabriel moan outright, his hand tensing and flexing on her hips. He nodded against her neck, biting and licking at it. “Don’t tell me,”-Gabriel whispered in her ear-“tell him.”

“Dean-Dean, please,” Castiel nearly wept as Dean didn’t waste any time and brought his hands up to cup at her hips, pulling her even closer to him before slowly pushing a couple fingers inside her core.

All three groaned; Gabriel watching closely as Dean’s fingers slid into Castiel and curled making her hips buck and a sound come from her mouth that had both him and Dean leaking pre-come. Gabriel could tell his little sister was close; her head was against his shoulder and her body withering against his. He kept his face in her shoulder as he trailed one of his hands over her side before snapping his fingers to relieve both Dean and himself of their pants and underclothing.

He could be nice to Dean when he wanted.

Dean spared a look up at Gabriel, reluctantly thanking him before he set back to pleasing Castiel further. He wrapped a hand around himself knowing that he was too far gone to think of doing anything else with her after this. He grinned smugly to himself when he caught Gabriel doing the same.

“Dean, Dean, I’m-I’m,” The grip she had on his hair tightened almost painfully as she rode out her orgasm with him now slowly licking and stroking her through it. Her thighs tightened and shook from the strain and she slid down resting over him and Gabriel.

Standing without realizing he could, Dean leaned over her still jacking himself off and kissed her hard and meaningful.

“Castiel,” he groaned, he was close. “Castiel, God, you’re so-so-“

He came on her thighs, his own climax making him feel jerky and sated as he watched his seed drip down her thighs and onto the hotel bed. Gabriel came soon after, catching his own come in his hands before it disappeared altogether.

“Well,” Gabriel said a bit breathless. “I can cross this off my list off my To-Do list.”

“’To-Do list’?” Castiel asked. “I do not understand.”

Dean snorted; he was now half laying on Castiel and half sitting in the chair again. “Me either. Think it’s about time you started explaining yourself there, Gabriel.”

“Hm, let’s see… how about I start with how I’m the angel of judgment.” Gabriel leaned back on his elbows, comfortable with Castiel laying on him. He had both of the other’s attention now and he played it up as much as he could. “Long story short, I had to make sure you were treating our little sister here all nice and stuff. Had to make sure you were taking care of her properly.”

Castiel frowned, “I do not need anyone to take care of me.”

Gabriel ran his fingers through her hair. “Of course you don’t. Not with the basic stuff like fighting and keeping yourself healthy.”

“Then what are you implying?”

“He wanted to make sure I was taking care of you… sexually.” Dean hid his face in Castiel’s hip. “Damn it Gabriel, couldn’t you have just, I don’t know, sat in on us quietly and inconspicuously?”

Gabriel blinked down at Dean. “Of course I could have.”

AN: Another SPN genderbending fic from a prompt given at the spnwomen_kink  meme. I tried to push myself by trying out a threesome, something I think is another first for me. I know I've written a foursome a long, long time ago but never with just three people. I'm pro like that.

I suck at naming/titling things, but hey, you got a title this time.

Thank you, Quincy, for being a good friend by telling me my grammar sucks and reading this over for me.

kink: genderbending, kink: threesome, spnwomen_kink meme fill, fandom: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel/gabriel

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