SPN fanfic. - Untitled

Jan 04, 2011 03:23

Title: Untitled
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating/pairing: NSFW, Mature - Girl!Castiel/Gabriel
Warnings/spoilers: Cunnilingus/Oral sex, Gender-bending, angel-cest, wing!kink
Summery/prompt: Girl!Castiel/Gabriel - Gabriel grooming Castiel's wings leading to something more. (From the spnwomen_kink meme.)

It took him almost the full day to convince her to let him help her relax. It started with a half-hazardous comment thrown at her like fire from Dean, the righteous man himself, for Gabriel to even notice. The sharp pang of longing and bitterness crept through him as he realized what he could do to help, how familiar and how long it’s been since he has done anything remotely close to running his hands through wings that feel like air and silk.

“Relax, little sis, you’ll like it.” She didn’t look convinced, but Gabriel kept his winning cheek-to-cheek smile plastered to his face. His eyes flashed with just a hint of gold as he saw her fiddle with the bottom of her buttoned blouse.

“I do not see the reason why I have to take off my clothes for this.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes skyward. “Just your shirt, Castiel, you can keep everything else on.”

“But,“ She started but stopped after seeing his eyes flare dangerously. Castiel felt ashamed for being difficult for her brother that was trying to help but she couldn’t get over the fear that was rising in her chest. “…  Alright.”

The blouse fell limply to the ground, the white fabric contrasting pleasantly against the deep red of the carpet. They were in a hotel that Gabriel called one of his ‘hot-spots’; Castiel still wasn’t entirely sure what he meant by that, but the place was clean and appealing to the eye. Nothing looked out of place or as if it shouldn’t be there, it was surreal to the senses.

“Atta girl,” Gabriel smiled, snapping his fingers. “You can trust me.”

Castiel found herself face down on the heart-shaped bed, the sheets a rare (for humans) heavy silk, dyed an unnatural shade of Earthy green. “You are the Trickster.”

“Was- I was the Trickster.” He informed her with a light tone. “Now, I’m going to be helpful.”

He snapped his fingers again before she could reply. The smell of sandalwood and other scents filled Castiel’s nose, it made her skin hum pleasantly.

Gabriel laughter was teasing and delighted. “It’s my own special blend.” He explained with pride. “I use it on rare occasions, when it’s needed the most.”

His hands where warm when they touched her back, soft but firm as they slid down from her shoulder blades, under her bra-strap, to her lower back and back up. He paid special attention to the crease between and around the shoulder blades, easing the tension and slowly tracing the muscles and bone.

He loved the feel of the smooth back below his fingers, the way Castiel would small noises as he eased the added tension away from her. Her wings, he knew, where in need of special attention. Her being the youngest and smallest of the angels proved to put her wings to more use than they were able to handle, specially now with her quest to search all over for God.

Gabriel frowned, hands now kneading the middle of her back. His sister was too naïve, but looking down at her now he could feel how strong she had become. Not from heavens guidance, or from either of the other angels, nor himself.

“Gabriel?” Her voice was breathless, -wanton-he would say if he didn’t know any better. He could feel Castiel’s arousal just as he was sure she could feel his, it was inevitable on both their parts. “Are you alright?”

The laughter bubbled low in his throat, he had almost forgotten how innocent his sister was. “Yes, little angel who could, I’m alright.”

He could almost see the frown she was making with her head turned to the side. “I do not understand that reference.”

“Of course you don’t.” Gabriel patted her butt. “Now that you’re all loose from the ‘Gabriel Special’, “-he drummed his fingers over her lower back-“time for you to let out those wings for me to work on, Father only knows what they look like now.”

Gabriel tried to hide his excitement in seeing Castiel’s wings as she pushed herself up to look at him with half-lidded eyes. He couldn’t keep his eyes from her as she rubbed at her half-asleep-flushed face and reached behind her to unclasp her bra.

His eyes fell to her breast-- the vessels breasts, Gabriel reasoned with himself. They looked the perfect size for her body, little nubs hard and peeking up as she slid the material from her shoulders, a ripple of excitement went through him as he continued to stare as Castiel looked at him from under her lashes.

“Should I take off my jeans too?”

“Yes.” Gabriel said before he knew he even opened his mouth. He knew she was only wearing some undisruptive white panties under the black slacks but he couldn’t help but want to see more of her, her body and pure-innocent grace.

“Alright,” she said, and Gabriel’s mouth went dry. His eyes didn’t leave her as she stood facing away from him to remove her clothing. “How do you want me?”

For a moment he thought his ears were bleeding, ringing with the sound of her voice and those words. “What?”

Castiel turned towards him and Gabriel’s eyes traveled. “To groom my wings.”-she blushed as she caught where Gabriel’s eyes had been roaming.-“Do you want me to sit or lay back on the bed?”

“Mm, how about…” Gabriel leered, trying to ease Castiel back into feeling comfortable by acting like his carefree-self; he snapped his fingers. The bed vanished and in its place was a large-round, low to the ground stool.

Castiel titled her head.

“Sit.” Gabriel said. “And get comfortable.”

The first brush of his hand through her wing took his breath away. He knew it was painful for her, could see all the ways her wings were moving in the wrong directions, could see where the energy that was supposed to flow through her wings gathered up in large clusters-pulsing without any means of release.

They were a complete wreck.

But Gabriel couldn’t help but marvel at them. Imagining what colors they would have brought through and illuminated as they moved, how powerful and masterful they were and were going to be again. He started with one of the larger clusters, slowly easing his fingers around it, starting at the edges and moving his way around.

He was right by starting off with messaging her back and getting her ready for the pain that came with untangling her wings. Gabriel could see that her hands were clenched tight in the stool's blue fabric and by the time he was done with one wing he could see tears falling down her face.

Castiel shuddered out a breath as she stretched out her wing. “I did not know that they where this bad.”

Gabriel snorted, but didn’t stop his ministrations with easing her wings back into their original strength. “Even for you, little sis, that’s a whole new level of obliviousness.”

“I knew that they hurt but I didn’t think it was to this measure.” Castiel tried to explain, the ending of the sentence was bitten off when Gabriel’s fingers grazed a small bundle of nerves. The wings were starting to get back their colors, pulsing in time; flashing Earth tones of green, browns and yellows before smoothing out to a clear blue.

“Even so, you’re lucky you have me.”

“Yes,” Castiel nodded without hesitation and that made Gabriel’s body flush hot.

When Gabriel was done with both wings he stepped back, letting Castiel spread out her wings, only watching as she flexed them back and forth.

“Gabriel.” Castiel was standing again, her face was clear of her tears and her wings draped high and limply around her sides, pulsing happily.

“No thanks necessary, sis, glad to help. Now, I recommend you not flying around so much but we all know, with your track-record, you wouldn’t listen all that well.”

Castiel looked down, a small smile on her face as she stared at her bare feet. “I could, perhaps, return the favor, then?”

And Gabriel was all for that, his wings weren’t in need of someone to fix them, he was more than capable of taking care of that himself but he wouldn’t give up this chance of having someone else touch him.

“Well, then.” Gabriel grinned down at her. “I could go for some of that.”

He snapped his fingers and Castiel found herself straddling Gabriel’s hips while he lay on the heart-shaped bed while he was facing her. She held a small bottle in her hand.

Castiel blinked down at him in confusion, she still was only in her white-cotton panties and he was missing his shirt. “Are you not supposed to be turned the other way?”

“Nope,” he rolled his shoulders into the mattress, letting his hands rest on her knees. “I like this view better.”

She stared at him for a few moments longer before opening the bottle that she held. The familiar smell of Sandalwood filtered through the air, Gabriel’s special blend, and she keened against him. Eyes closed as she breathed in the scent and let it wash over her senses again.

“I like this smell.” Castiel informed him, and Gabriel couldn’t help but laugh at her serious tone.

“I see that.”

“It is… pleasant.” She seems to consider the words in her mind and nod slightly when she confirms them.

Castiel’s hands are small on his chest, starting out at his neck rubbing the jell into his skin with precise precision, the kind of devotion she has only recently given Dean. Gabriel closed his eyes and lets out a breath as she works down his chest, moaning low when she brushes over one of his nipples and adds a little pressure near his hips.

She soon is working on massaging his hands, has one clasped in her own, working her moist fingers around the larger digits and Gabriel can’t help but reach up with his other hand to her mouth and trace her bottom lip with his thumb. She’s such a fast and excellent learner.

“Open.” Gabriel says with a teasing smirk. “Use your tongue.”

The look on her face is puzzled but she obeys without question. She parts her mouth as he pushes in his thumb and coaxes her into using her tongue to run against the length of it.

Gabriel groans, slightly disbelieving as Castiel lets him exchange his thumb in for two other fingers. His cock is throbbing underneath her and he wants her to feel it without the added presence of clothes. Gabriel slides his free hand under her, to tease or test her through her panties he isn’t sure but he does want a reaction from her.

Castiel’s eyes widen as her body jerks unintentionally, wanting.

“Gabriel,” Castiel gasps when he slides his fingers away from her mouth and down to her chest, playing with one of her breasts. “I’ve- I have never-“

“I know.” Gabriel says with a curl to his lips. “Get up here.”

Her breath hitches when Gabriel’s hands come to the back of her thighs and pulls her up on his stomach and guides her so she is straddling his face. Her thighs are trembling as she grips the head board tightly; her breath is fast and shallow.

He shushes her, his hands confident as they played with her through the little piece of clothing. Gabriel’s fingers slide back and forth around her cunt, every now and then catching her clit in passing and dipping into her core as much as the panties would allow. She mewls and whines for him, hips swaying in time with his fingers. Each breath, noise and movement from her was driving him wild with want and more confident with his ministrations.

“Gabriel,” Castiel voiced hitched. Her panties began to feel to constricting, she was hot and aching, the lips of her snatch felt heavy and hot, her whole body pulsed with something new and foreign to her. “Gabriel, please.”

“Mm.” He agreed with her, bring a finger up under the side of her panties and snapping them against her side and suddenly the barrier between her and his mouth was gone. She nearly shrieked when his tongue zigzagged across her cunt, tasting her thoroughly.

Gabriel chuckled, and blew cold air towards her clit making her hips jerk. “Gabriel!”

“Easy there, Castiel. Don’t break my bed.” He thumbed at her clit, watching she clenched and moved for him. “I happen to really like this bed.”

He tore his eyes away to look up at her, having his own breath stolen from him as he realized that she was staring back down at him, ice-blue eyes nearly blown away by black pupils. His cock twitched feeling heavy and insatiable in his denim jeans.

Gabriel smiled at Castiel, and kept eye contact the best he could as he wrapped his mouth around her clit, sucking and flicking his tongue against it. He had to grip her hips tighter when they began to move erratically against him as he didn’t let up on her only alternating between sucking on her clit and sticking his tongue deep inside her.

She tasted better than he thought and he wanted more and more of it with each cry or moan she let him hear. He kept his tongue inside her, fucking her with it as he rolled her sensitive clit between his fingers.

It wasn’t hard to tell when she first came, her whole body quivered before it went completely slack and still. Castiel let out a beautiful sigh while she leaned heavily against the head board.

“Castiel,” Gabriel groaned, patting her leg to get her to move. As soon as she was sitting Gabriel couldn’t hold himself back any further, she looked at peace with herself, so calm and relaxed and he couldn’t help but feel that he helped her with that. He was the one that had done something about it.

“Castiel,” he said again, his face inches from her own. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

He thought she was adorable as she could only nod and lift her face for him. The kiss is slow and exact, tongues only coming into play when Gabriel pushes his into her mouth. He knew she could taste herself on him and the way that she seemed to be greedily sucking on his tongue made him more aroused.

Castiel broke the kiss to smile up at Gabriel, her hands winding themselves in Gabriel’s hair and her forehead touching his. “I think I would like to try intercourse with you, Gabriel.”

“Always loved a girl who could say ‘intercourse’ in bed.”

AN: I haven't written anything in close to a year now. I went in head first with this being my first Supernatural fanfic. and it being my first gender-bending porn. I'm a little nervous about posting it... I know I'm a little off and rusty, but I wanted to start writing again and I've decided to turn this journal into a writing journal.

Also, I'm taking prompts from the spnwomen_kink meme mostly, I'm starting with the Girl!Castiel/Gabriel ones because I found myself falling for those two pretty hard. Pun slightly intended. So if you had a gender-bending request on there, I most likely will be filling it.

One more thing I'd like to address, I used the word 'cunt' a couple times and I was informed that it can be looked at as a sort of derogatory term. This is by no way my intention and I totally blame all the feminist articles I've been reading lately. I now want a button that says 'CUNT POWER' because of it too.

Thank you, Quincy, for being a good friend by telling me my grammar sucks and reading this over for me.

kink: genderbending, spnwomen_kink meme fill, pairing: castiel/gabriel, fandom: supernatural

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