Hogwarts History

Feb 25, 2009 11:09

While his original goal of being a Prefect has been pushed aside by focus on Quidditch after making the Ravenclaw team as a Beater, Tieria still makes sure his studies do not suffer because of flight practice. In the past year, he's made a point to attempt a slightly more social outlook, influenced greatly by a stubborn Gryffindor in his year named Neil Dylandy... stubborn enough to not let him isolate himself from others. This is led him to a connection with a young Hufflepuff named Quatre Winner who offered to help him find information on his father's family using his connections in the muggle world.

This investigation into the muggle world proved somewhat unecessary, however, as Tieria was soon found by a new transfer from Durmstrang. Sorted into Slytherin, a sixth year named Regene Regetta began nearly stalking Tieria throughout the school, even going so far as to purchase a day with him during a Quidditch team auction fundraiser. When they finally sat down to talk, Regene informed him that their striking physical resemblance to one another was not just coincidence, but because they were twins. After their parents split up, each took one sibling. The difference was that Tieria's mother didn't tell Tieria about his father and family. Regene, however, learned all about Tieria from their father... who was not actually a muggle after all, but a wizard, leading Tieria to realize that he was truly a pureblooded wizard, not a half-blood as he thought.

history, *ooc, hogwarts

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