Yeah, I actually wanted to make a profound quality-post after my long (very very long) hiatus here. Maybe this post'll come, maybe it won't. But to avoid the final death of my LJ, have a random fandom meme instead considering kinks :D
Based on
naturegirlrocks Kink/Squick meme :D
...and taken from some other LJ. I don't even remember anymore Q_Q
No. Certainly not bestiality and I'm not very fond of that whole half-animal/furry-/whatever-stuff as well.
Oh God, no.
Slave, BDSM, S/M
No, only the soft stuff, no
Age difference
Hurr hurr ♥ Yeah, I like it. Yet, there is a limit to everything (let's say... not more than 20 years differenc). Also, as soon as it involves pedophilia - no. Just no. Same goes for a relationship that resembles a parent/child-realtionship too much Q_Q
Blood, -play
No, thanks.
Underage (chan)
Over 14 is acceptable (as long as the teenager doesn't act too childish and there isn't a questonable relationship to a parent-like partner involved... you get the idea)
NO / depends
Generally yes
Not a kink, but I don't mind it either. As long as it doesn't involve parent/children, urgh Q_Q
Threesome/ moresome/ gangbang
Not really/no/no
HELL NO T___T I like my fanfiction angsty, but with a happy ending ;_;
Basically okay :D
Unhappy/wide open endings
Not really because it reduces me to a sobbing useless mess T_T / I love and hate open endings XD So I go for: generally yes, though it highly depends on the story/the ending
Wasn't that absolutely informative? :D Yeah well... actually my kinks aren't really exotic 8D