I stolded it off
explodeyy cos it looked fun. :D
Give me a fandom (or more) and I'll tell you:
Favorite character:
Least favorite character:
Character I love that other people don't:
Character everyone else loves that I don't:
Character with the best hair:
Character with the best eyes:
Character with the best smile:
Character I'd kiss:
Character I'd most likely Fuck
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Least favorite character: Crack fox. He scares me.
Character I love that other people don't: The original Dixon Banbridge. From the pilot ep. (L)
Character everyone else loves that I don't: I love them all to be honest!
Character with the best hair: Vince Noir.
Character with the best eyes: The MOOOOON. :')
Character with the best smile: Naboo. He's so adorable.
Character I'd kiss: Howard Moon
Character I'd most likely Fuck: Saboo
Character I'd make lunch for: Bollo
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Bob Fossil. :')
Character I'd go shopping with: Vince Noir.
Character I'd go dancing with: Bob Fossil. (remembers back to seeing them live)
Character I'd take over the world with: Tony Harrison
Character I most want to see more of: Barry. :')
Favorite pairing: Tony Harrisson/Saboo. 'Cause I'm weird like that. :') Tbh I haven't even read any. But it would be loltastic if it was written.
Least favorite pairing: Kodiak Jack/Montgomery Flange. It just came into my head and made me feel slightly ill. I'm glad it's never been written. LOL
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