I stolded it off
explodeyy cos it looked fun. :D
Give me a fandom (or more) and I'll tell you:
Favorite character:
Least favorite character:
Character I love that other people don't:
Character everyone else loves that I don't:
Character with the best hair:
Character with the best eyes:
Character with the best smile:
Character I'd kiss:
Character I'd most likely Fuck:
Character I'd make lunch for:
Character I'd go singing in the rain with:
Character I'd go shopping with:
Character I'd go dancing with:
Character I'd take over the world with:
Character I most want to see more of:
Favorite pairing:
Least favorite pairing:
Fandoms: Torchwood, Doctor Who, The Mighty Boosh, Buffy, Heroes, Blackadder, House, Will & Grace, Being Human, CSI (all 3 of them), The IT Crowd, Rocky Horror Picture Show, My Family, Pirates of the Caribbean....basically, if it has vampires in it or people can fly, or John Barrowman or Johnny Depp appear, you can pretty much guarantee I'm a fan. (y)