(no subject)

Jun 26, 2006 08:27

I have been having the same-themed dreams the last two nights in a row, with slight modifications on the specific but the exact same idea in each (I just woke up). It's really bothering me and I want it to stop right away. They both leave me with guilt and fear, even after I wake up. Yesterday it affected my day and actually made me afraid of approaching certain people; they're the kind of dreams that haunt you the next day cause they were strong. Clearly there is something going on in my head right now that is no good.

On another note, last night I was more tired than ever. I woke up feeling exhausted and a little nauseated with a crazy headache, and the whole day at work I just had no energy. However, I decided to go to the staff party because I thought it was important to "build bonds" with staff outside of work before I start. I was feeling better there, so I had a couple of drinks, but of course alcohol makes you tired so after that I was basically standing in a coma. I didn't want to stay late to get a drive home with any drunken fools in the car, so Scott drove all the way from his place (far) to pick me up and drive me into town and put me to sleep. Then went all the way BACK home again. That was pretty sweet.

Nick's prom is today.

I'm thinking tonight for supper i'm gunna do meatloaf and scalloped potatoes.

I am feared by the discorery that I fit perfectly into the role of "stereotypical housewife"- minus the married portion. Sadly enough, I like it. I love to cook, and I get to cater 3 meals a day. I go to bed early, and get up voluntarily at 7am to make breakfast. Today I have to clean and do laundry and make meals.

Enough of this scary madness, let work begin (one week from today) so I can be a normal nineteen year old. Or at least remotely closer to normal.

kay that's enough
this dream thing is driving me crazy. If it happens again tomorrow night, i'll kill someone. but not really.

love nat
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