#018, Jennifer Coloring

Aug 10, 2009 17:31


UNTranslatable but I tried to make a Translatable version
Requested By
luna_bbf ..
I use this coloring for most of  icons .. :)

Open your picture, Crop it & lighten it if it's too DARK ..

to add more highlights to the icon I'll use Selective color ..
Whites: 0, -46, -85, 0

all I wanted to do is to fade the coloring so I used Hue/Saturation:
Saturation: -16

now what I wanted to do is to add some lights so I added these textures :

By: ??? set to Color Burn

By: ??? set to Softlight

By: ??? set to Lighten change the opacity to 60%

By: ??? set to Hard Light and change the Opacity to 5%

to give the icon more contrast, i'm gonna use Curves:
RGB: 1st point: Output: 76, Input:87
2nd point: Output: 197, Input:201
Red: 1st point: Output: 160, Input:157

now wanted to give the icon more natural coloring so by using Color Balance:
Midtones:+12, 0, -3
Highlights: 0, -5, 0

the last part I done 'cause I only wanted to increase the Red and fade the black so this step is OPTIONAL

I always leave the sharpen part to the end .. so go to your basic and duplicate it and sharpen it .. play with the opacity anf fill if it gets oversharpend ..

* if your program doesn't have Selective coloring you can get a similar reasult by using Color Balance with these setting :
Highlights: -11, -4, +15

PSD, incase there's something wrong ..

Other Examples:

!psd, !tutorial

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