#017, Scarlett Coloring

Jul 19, 2009 12:41


Most of the time I use this coloring in the close cropping ..

Open your picture, Crop it & lighten it if it's too DARK ..

for the start we want to give our icon a pink-ish coloring .. so I used Hue/Saturation with these setteing ..
Hue: -59
Saturation: -26
click Ok .. and then set this layer to SoftLight .. and now you'll have a nice pinkish look ..

now we want to give it a little highlight in her skin .. so i'm gonna use Color Balance:
Midtones: +19, 0, 0
Shadows: 0, 0, -12
Highlights: -2, -3, +11

the icon has good look .. but it was too pink-red for my like .. to change it a little bit I used Channel Mixer :
Red: +94, 0, 0

to give the icon more contrast, i'm gonna use Curves:
RGB: 1st point: Output: 144, Input:157
2nd point: Output: 205, Input:209
Red: 1st point: Output: 176, Input:170
Blue: 1st point: Output: 30, Input:32
2nd point: Output: 235, Input:233

I know by know I run in circles .. LOL .. again I wanted to give the coloring a nice effect .. so adding a new layer and I fill it with #150a05 and set it to Difference, and change the Opacity:50%

basically we are done with coloring and now I just wanted to add some light in the corners ,, paste these lights in your icon ..

just a last contrast by Brightness/Contrast :
Brightness: -6
Contrast : +22

I always leave the sharpen part to the end .. so go to your basic and duplicate it and sharpen it .. play with the opacity anf fill if it gets oversharpend ..

PSD, in case there's something wrong ..

Other Examples :

!psd, !tutorial

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