You Should Teach
Sex Ed 101!
You are destined to be a sex-ed teacher.
No doubt, you enjoyed the class back in school...
And the subject is one you've explored fully over the years :-)
You love to help your friends who have sexual difficulties.
You are a understanding mentor and completely non-judgmental.
You are destined to be the next Susie Bright or Dr. Ruth!
What's Class Should You Teach? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva James has work tonight, but I might to to farmer's market with sam and kate so we could stop by his work to see him :) I need to start preparing early for my next history test (next wed. or thurs.) because I get the feeling its going to be harder than my last one. I have more dates to remember for one thing, but also I feel like we've covered more even if it isnt true, which means I haven't remembered as much of it.