Wow… never thought something like that would happen but a really old, old passion came back.
When I was young, five or six years old, my brother and I loved the Transformers along with Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and at Monday Kisa and I watched the Transformers Movie from 2007, which I had never seen, though I wanted to go to cinema at that time.
Okay, doesn’t matter, we watched this movie and from Monday till now I watched it four times. And I think I’ll watch it next week again. *drop*
Gosh I really have weakness for big technology. *rofl* I mean first the Sister Ray, Ragnarok and now the Transformers.
When I was this young I watched the Transformers series at TV but I can’t remember much of it, so I loaded it and began watching it yesterday. *lol* I also found a community at LJ and there people out there, who slash the Robots. O_O
Wow, I’m surprised. It’s not, that I don’t like it, I mean I always said I’d slash Sister Ray and Ragnarok, so I’m just surprised. *lol*
I’m not a normal girl, right? I mean I dislike romance stuff but love action, sci-fi, cars, robots and weapons. *drop* And the strangest thing is: I really think, the Sister Ray and Ragnarok are sexy, and also some of the Transformers are. It’s not, that I just sayit, I mean it!
…I guess you could call it a fetish, hm? *drop*
Wow… I have a robot/weapon fetish… Kind of embarrassing. <.<
Well, doesn’t matter. In June Transformers 2 will come to cinema. I can’t wait. *.* I hope there will be something like a “Transformers night” and they show the first Movie in cinema again. Gosh, I really want to watch it in cinema! *.*
Yesterday I phoned with Kisa and we had a really funny conversation. We talked about the Transformers Movie and then:
Kisa: „Ich fand auch den dicken Schwarzen sehr kultig.”
Ich: „Ah, ja genau, Ironhide. *meint das dicke schwarze Auto*“
Kisa: „Äh, nein, ich meinte schon den Menschen, den Hacker…“
Ich: „Oh, ach der! Ja, genau… *owned*“
In English something like:
Kisa: “I also liked that fat, black one.”
Myself: “Ah yeah, right. Ironhide. *means the fat, black car*”
Kisa: "Ehm, no. I meant the human, that hacker guy…”
Myself: “Oh, this one. Well, right… *owned*”
Ah, yeah, one last thing: Don’t know why, but the Song “Let it Rock” by Kevin Rudolf is my Transformers-Song. Óo I’d love to see a good MMV to this song.
Mediafire Donwload PS: And just to prevent misunderstandings: I love Transformers and weapons and so on but I dislike most of the mecha anime series. I don’t know why, but the most of them are not my taste. There are a few I watched and like, but only a few…
PPS: I'm sorry for being so lazy again. At Monday and Tuesday I finally will catch up with flist, I promise! ._.