As promised Ruri has made her entry of impressions on this chapter,
Besides that she made a note (request)
"最近海外からのアクセスが多いのですが、そのまま転載しないでくださいね "
"With many over-see foreigners accessing here, please don't reprint anything, as it is"
(i.e. Don't take full passages or the full test, without quotation.)
Anyway here the summary of spoilerous (<-- does that word exist?) information I got from her impressions.
The cover seems to display some sort of an assembly of the new Banten-group.
There is a "set" picture with Yukimi and Miharu. It seems to almost look like a parent-child picture. On the backcover of it is a picture of Yoite. (I suppose she's talking about the extra of the magazine?) That seems to be the same of Volume 10's cover.
It seems something in Tobari's and Miharus relationsship is awkward.
The way they have a conversation, too.
Miharu seems to unconcisouly look at his left hand with the Kira-scar. (Making Ruri think of some relationship through the red thread of fate.)
Miharu's little evil deeds seems to return.
The victim seems (obviously) to be Tobari.
The talk of Tobari and Miharu seems to be very odd, with some sense of oppressive air around it.
It seems to look like they're forcing themselves to talk like adults.
Miharu's smile, when they parted seemed painful.
There seem to be no real revelation of ten years ago. Except that all is pretty complicated.
Shinrabanshou seems to use Asahi's name pretty often. (Ruri thinks that there was some antogonism between them. From chapter 51 I would rather say it's some sort of rivalry, withou really hating each other. But well, just my throught)
Miharu appearantly says at some point "I'm sorry. I want to meet 'you'".
Tobari seems to be rather disspatiesfied with his position to support Miharu, hence he asks Yukimi to support him.
Yukimi seems to express pretty much through his expressions that it's bugging him, that he lost his memories along with the reason, he went as far as to sacrifice his arm, and that even without his memories he is wondering why "it hurts so much" none the less.
Somebody (suppose Tobari?) says "Pour all of your softhearted nature into Miharu".
Yukimi seems to say at some point "That brats, one or two of them..."
Yukimi seems to have wanted to hit Tobari.
Then seems to come some change of scenery.
Ichiki seems to have an appearance.
Hattori seems to say at some point "I plan to use all I can use".
He seems to plan to retire from the world of Nabari. (?!)
There seem to be a woman who has full power of attourney over Hattori, Kairoushuu, Kasa and outsiders. Yert unknown who, but the clothes look like Shijima's. = Some new enemy it seems.
There is some catch copy (some sort of advertise) of Volume 10 in the GF Opening page. Ruri quoted it:
"In a time I was breaking I have smiled.
I have sung.
For the first time, from the bottom of my heart.
Because you came into this world that has had nothing."
I can't help it. The japanese version just sounds beautiful, but the translation sort of... flimsy? *feels horrible*
The phrases are probably the only positive thing today. I lost my bag in the train (how stupid one can be, actually?!), containing all my University paper-stuff, including the solutions of the homework I did yesterday, while staying in University til 11 PM. =_=
At least I always use heaps of scrap papers, so I secure 40% of it from the wastebasket in University....
(But really, how could I be so stupid? To loose even my focus on looking for my things?)
(Sorry about the whining...)
Ah well. Screw homework. (It's group work actually). We are four. One did not come, one hurried to get away, we sat there with two. I had 30% of the work done by myself already, he sat there trying to understand what I did + trying to find out, whether it was really right what I produced as a solution, and then after a while, he STARED at me, asking cautiously (doubtful, critical) "What... are you doing...?"
In fact, he caught me, how I throughoutly was doing something else = trying to read a Japanese text.
(In fact I found another blog entry about the new chapter.)
Perhaps out of courtesy he then also said he'd go home. So much to my homework. Well I still have like 22 hours to finish it...
I feel bad, since Ruri is doing her best to post hers...
And what I read did not please me at all, and despite it being such a long text, 3/4 of it was mere speculation and fangirling. (Complicated fangirling atop of it... -_-")
So I won't tell too much.
Yukimi's cold, is no cold (well that doesn't come unexpected), but seemingly some sickness called "Phantom Pain" (see Wikipedia for it.)
For some reason the whole article was like Yoite here, Yoite there. He most obviously did not appear, but instead a great portion seems to (again) deal a lot with him indirectly.
There is more stuff on Kairoushuu. (Hattori is said to re-appear)
There seem to be various thing that insinuate that Miharu wants to not use Shinrabanshou sort of out of a pretense, because he's running away/being frightened etc. (i.e. the possibilitty still there he will use her.)
Miharu and Tobari sit on a bench, the distance between them is rather big.
There is some talk on the memories back then. I'm not sure, whether this was mere speculation or the real thing. Wait for Ruri's spoilers.
Yukimi seems to have quite some spotlight in this chapter.
There seems to be a scene in which Miharu is lays on his knees. (If I understand it right. At least the author of the blog fell head over heels to say it was cute.)
It's really not much. I was in a hurry to read it and skipped quite some words I could either not look up fast enough or deemed not too important.
Anyway, let's wait for Ruri's spoilers or if some more photos emmerge.
By the way. (getting totally off topic here). One of my new friends in University wore a pullover today. A white one. A familiar one. Simply said, a very Yoite-ish pullover...................
"Why are you staring at me?" He asked me. Now it's a standard phrase, because I am rather very often irritated by him, because he is hilarious and I have no humour to understand most of his jokes, so I always look at him puzzled and he asks me this question. But this time he didn't do anything and I stared at him, and for some reason I feel bad for it.... (Since I can't possibly explain the reason why I did...)