Jan 15, 2010 23:40
Just got back from watching floorball game between SIM n SMU..
Was an exciting game to watch, wished I had played..
Came down to support, was sitting for bout 5mins before I realised
"Erh,shouldn't I be changed and be sitting with the team instead..injured or not?"
Not playing a team game for so long has made me forget 'team spirit' and the unspoken rules..
SIM didn't seem to be on form today..
At least compared to the few trainings that I had joined them..
Everyone seemed to be so tensed and they were sharing the same space esp in the 2nd or 3rd period..
The "hot favourites" did not have their usual touch and they weren't able to work much magic in today's game..
It's sooooo easy to be a spectator and comment on the game play, what could have been done and all the mistakes spotted..
But when you are playing, it's different altogether...
You might just do whatever things that you tell yourself you wldn't do..
I hate playing when I'm not in a good 100% physical condition(not that I ever was!hahah)
and have to worry whether Hoody will just give way after a hard tackle or simply after taking a wrong step..
*sigh* so many things were goin on in my head while watching the game.....
I wonder how our game will turn out on Monday..
Will I be benched?
Will I screw up?
Will Hoody give way?
Will I do all the things I have told myself NOT to do soooooo many freaking times to myself??
Why can't I play a sport and not reprimand myself after a game?
Why is it that I have played for so long and my progress is so slow..
Oh well, nvm....
how old aredy righhttttt..
and to that person,
"I'm sorry that you don't like playing with me..
But I think as a team mate, I thought I should just share with you about the game play..
Not for MY sake but for the team...in case you STILL haven't notice..
And it's kinda weird that it took another gurl whom I dun really noe to tell me all these...
And why do people deny things when it's already so obvious?
'Coz they wanna prevent inquisitive people like me from gossiping..
But it's something happy what..so why dun share...
whattttt oni...