Further Smooch Updates!

Oct 16, 2017 21:48

Most of my updating has been happening on Tumblr.  Here's the latest.

He's doing well.  He likes the new food, he's acting totally normal.

We got the imaging I wanted to get done.  The vet found some bladder stones, which is worrisome, so we'll be keeping an eye on that.  He also found some sort of soft mass north of his kidneys, which the radiologist said not to worry about. I'll still be discussing that with him when we go back in but for now "not a tumor, harmless" is good enough for me.  Plus it lets me make Arnold Schwarzenegger jokes.

Mostly what we found in imaging was poop and farts.

He's digesting pretty slowly, which is not yet concerning, but is worthy of note.

His kidneys look good.  (See the :) above!)  His heart is beautiful.  Look at it in there, so pretty.  Cat hearts are so small on X-rays but as cat lovers know, they are actually quite large.  Just . . . like . . . Smooch's isn't, really.  He's kind of a tool.

I'm worried about the bladder stones, but the vet said they may be cystic, meaning they're maybe enclosed and not loose.  So that's . . . less bad.  Although it could get bad very quickly.  I don't know, I'm really worried about it but he said surgery wasn't something he'd recommend right away.  I'll address it with him again later, get a price quote for removal surgery, and maybe have more imaging done to see if they are embedded in the bladder wall or are loose.  And the food he is on can also help dissolve stones, so there's that.

I really love Smooch's vet.  He's a sweet guy, and good with cats.  Actually, everyone at that Banfield is great.  They've made this so easy to handle.


The fundraiser is only $25 from its second goal, and I expect it to tip over at any moment.  I'll probably leave it up in case anyone wants to keep donating, because frankly Raleigh needs to see an eye specialist for a recurring infection and between this new kidney thing and his perpetual eye issues Smooch is moderately high-maintenance at this point.  All the proceeds are going from Paypal to my bank and then straight into an envelope in the form of cash, where I won't touch it for any reason besides vet care.  (I always pay with plastic.)

You can see more updates at the fundraiser homepage.

Thank you, everyone, for boosting, for donating, for offering advice and kind words.  I have a lot of hope he will be with us for a good long time to come.  My stinky yeti boy.  My garbage boy stink man.  My stinky pinky.  My one and only Smooch. X-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment count:

smooch, cats

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