I have set up a YouCaring for Smooch's medical expenses. If you could spread this around on whatever social media outlets you possess, that would be great.
For those new to the show, Smooch is my 7-year-old Himalayan. He was recently diagnosed with kidney disease. I'm trying to get together a little cushion so that we will be able to cover his expenses over the next six months to a year of treatment, which will hopefully enable us to stay on top of his condition. The vet has no idea how long we have, but I'm hoping for more than that. Your help will make that a lot more possible.
Some facts about Smooch:
He was born with a funny, squished-in face and has only one eye and a twisted little mouth. He's already had several teeth removed to keep him from biting through the roof of his own mouth. This makes him very funny-looking, but also very unique. I find his silly little face delightful.
He also has ocular herpes, which will probably eventually cause him to lose what is left of his vision. Rough, dude.
He has behavior issues which we are working on with medication, supplements, and behavioral techniques. The vet and I believe these stem from an anxiety disorder. Funnily enough, I have an anxiety disorder too. A lot of his behavior looks very familiar to me. I understand him very, very well.
He makes noises like a mudcrab. He eats off a fork like a baby. He pees on himself every time he's sedated. He hates fish-flavored anything. He LOVES to have his armpits scritched. He's very smelly. He loves to cuddle at night and in the mornings, settling between my knees while I read or color to unwind. He's not a good cat, he's a jerk and a bully, but he is very dear to me, and his life is precious. I have promised him that I will be with him til the end of the line.
I'm not asking for a whole lot, just enough to build up a cushion so I can afford food and tests and so forth. Any help, even five or ten bucks, would make a big difference.
Thank you all so much.
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