Got them this morning, which was going to be its own post, then Mom showed up and we had to go out for breakfast. But I listened to CD one and am now convinced that you are an Evil Genius.
Only evil geniuses have playlists like that.
You could be the The Evil Genius DJ.
DJ Doom.
Or perhaps a motivational speaker. (Worked for Thulsa Doom.)
Doom is just a cool word. I know you know that. That has to be in your title. I will think about it more thoroughly once I've eaten.
In other words . . . THANKS!!! I will be having a lot of fun with those. I'm packaging up your stuff as soon as I'm done wading through the gory responses to my gory post.
Hi, I friended you^.^ Mainly because of your last entry. I thought it was horribly funny (although, I have to disagree with the hating wings. They work for me. I never realized they didn't for other people. Oh well)
I'd be honored to be allowed to read your porn, but if you're not comfortable, never mind.
(btw, have you ever read Anne Bishop's Dark Jewels Trilogy? She's my *favorite*)
She writes really fantastic porn too, with an incredible plot line to boot! She also keeps the humor in it, which is very cool! Oh, and I have read the Dark Jewels Trilogy! It is fantastic!! I always recommend it to everyone looking for something good to read ;)
Comments 192
Okay, even if I didn't like you a lot before (which I did), this one quote would do it.
I love your sense of perspective. *grin*
The rag rant caused me to actually add to my friends list, but not just that - I also came via others and enjoyed previous posts.
Did you get the cds? They went out Priority....
Only evil geniuses have playlists like that.
You could be the The Evil Genius DJ.
DJ Doom.
Or perhaps a motivational speaker. (Worked for Thulsa Doom.)
Doom is just a cool word. I know you know that. That has to be in your title. I will think about it more thoroughly once I've eaten.
In other words . . . THANKS!!! I will be having a lot of fun with those. I'm packaging up your stuff as soon as I'm done wading through the gory responses to my gory post.
I'm gonna sing the doom song now! *sing* Doom doom doom doomy doom doom doom dooooooom, doom doom dooom!
There ya go.
Or would you prefer Chief Cat-Herder? Of Doom.
Hi, I friended you^.^ Mainly because of your last entry. I thought it was horribly funny (although, I have to disagree with the hating wings. They work for me. I never realized they didn't for other people. Oh well)
I'd be honored to be allowed to read your porn, but if you're not comfortable, never mind.
(btw, have you ever read Anne Bishop's Dark Jewels Trilogy? She's my *favorite*)
Awww, you're flirting with them already! ;-)
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