I checked my friend-of this morning and it's up to 140. My little page-counter has leaped from sixty-something to around 300. Shit!
All this from one pissed-off rant about being on the rag (which I still am, thanks). More than thirty people friended me on the basis of me talking about my bleeding snatch.
I am forced to wonder about the sanity of you people. In a very loving way, of course.
If* I posted a picture of my coochie, and I promise you there is such a creature, even though you may never see it (a picture, that is . . . if you read my post yesterday and still aren't clear that I possess female plumbing, you need to have your head examined for termites), would I get as favorable a response?
I am sure I wouldn't.
At any rate, I wanted to welcome in the thirty-some incredibly brave people who friended me, and the handful more who will no doubt be trickling in over the next day or so as my sordid tale makes its way across cyberspace.
So, welcome! You have now all joined my Legion of Doom. My generalissimo is
kittyblue and my high priestess is
cloudonmytongue. I think my mad scientist/mastermind has to be
shadowflyer, but that's not official. The rest of these crazy people . . . I need to decide on job titles.
And now, some briefish notes.
Item 1: If you want to friend me, go ahead. You don't have to ask. Telling me you did is generally polite, but, hey, am I really going to say "Fuck off and die! Don't read me!"? Hell no. I am an attention whore.
Item 2: If you friend me, I might not friend you back. This does not mean I don't like you. It means I have 100+ friends now, and keeping up with them is tough enough. Rather than do frequent f-list culls, I just don't add that many people any more. If you stick around and comment, I will probably add you eventually, no problem. Even if I don't, most of this journal is not friends-only, porn being the notable exception. So you aren't missing much. Honestly. In the past 2 months (that's around 75 entries, discounting porn), only four have been friends-locked to any degree. That has to do with heavy-duty depressing crap that you probably don't want to read about, anyway.
Item 3: With some digging, you will all no doubt discover that I have a porn journal. Yes, a porn journal. If you want to read, you can comment to be added, but if I don't know you, I may make you wait a bit while I sniff you out. Again, this is not because I hate you. Chances are I like you. I like most people when they're online and far from my house. But sometimes I have to be sure of someone before I let them read the perverted shit I write. Also, getting added one place is no guarantee of being added in the other.
Item 4: If you added me on the basis of the Vagina Rant, and haven't really surfed through my entries or userinfo, there are a couple things you ought to know. I'm not particularly down with the Judeo-Christian thing (I'm some weird stripe of pagan), I am not down with the child thing (I'm violently childfree), and I am, for lack of a better word, polyamorous. Bisexual, too. And an outrageous flirt. I am also a feral, blood-drinking bitch on occasion, and I will, sooner or later, say something that rubs you the wrong way. If any of this causes you problems, I won't take offense if you de-add me. I promise. It has happened before and my ego is still nice and healthy, thanks.
Item 5: I have crappy ongoing Life Issues at the moment. When I post about them . . . and I promise I will . . . don't feel obliged to say anything if you don't know what to say. It's cool. I don't friends-lock all of those entries mostly because I have people who read them who aren't on lj, not because I expect lots of comments.
Anyway, it'll be fun having you around. Enjoy!
* For those of you not clear, just like "no" means "fuck no," "if" means "what, do you think I am fucking nuts?"
On second thought, don't answer that.