The assassin's seal box I posted about here is coming along. I've got all but the final topcoat on, and after that it's several weeks of drying followed by putting the lining in. That is a crazy long time to wait for pictures! So I thought I would show it off a little now.
It's had its antiquing treatment, and if you click through you can see the crackle finish with the black patina rubbed in. The pic is a little blurry, sorry.
The back. The front has the same design on it with the eagle done in red. Of course now that I'm almost done and it is too late to fix it, I can see how to solve the problem I was having with the bird's head and body. Ugh.
But wait, there's more!
Here's the other thing I've been working on:
It's another tattoo/pirates/roses box, this time with gold roses. Like, that is gold leaf. (Okay. Imitation gold leaf.) It has a matte finish on the wood and a high-gloss, slightly raised finish on the design, which is a really interesting effect. The roses are built up and then gilt over. All that's left is the outlining and putting silver leaf on the straps going up the sides, then deciding what color to line it in. Probably red.
I am going to sell it. On the one hand, it's experimental and the gold leaf may eventually tarnish or crack. On the other, it took an insanely long time and I may never do another like it because, Jesus, who needs the headache? So I have no freakin' idea what to charge.
It is going to look awesome, though.
X-posted from Dreamwidth.
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