Car Halp

Jul 23, 2009 14:21

So, apocalypticbob is one of the most wonderful people I know. I love her like a sister. She's a brilliant, loving, beautiful, funny, kind, and all-around amazing woman. She's also a single mom in bad financial straits.

Life is trying to screw her over but good right now. Her car tanked on her with head gasket problems and it's going to take some funds to repair it. Best scenario, $2,500, worst scenario $4,600. We don't know yet. And giving up on this car is not an option. She still owes money on it, and not paying for a car - even if it is a piece of shit - is a really quick way to get yourself into debtor's hell, as is buying another car if your first POS car is still not completely yours.

For various reasons, AmberBob needs to have a functioning vehicle. She lives in a small town, for one, and there's no public transportation, and for another, walking anywhere in Oklahoma high summer is a really dumb idea.

Amber has been hit with too much shit lately for me to bear seeing this sideline her. She's a lycanthrope like me, fierce but constitutionally not suited to captivity and not much of one for being trapped in one place. I love her deeply, and I want to help her stay free (and hopefully stay out of that bad bipolar place) by making sure she can get that car fixed.

Right now, we have about $1,200, which is incredible, and due entirely to the efforts of rowangolightly. I'm getting in on the act and asking if y'all could kick in even five bucks, because it very quickly makes a huge difference.

The amazing rowangolightly got around to spearheading this before I could, because she is awesome like that, and has graciously opened up her Paypal account to take donations. She's a trustworthy and incredibly generous lady, so you can use her paypal without fear. The money will reach Amber.

rowangolightly says:

Most of you on here know that I don't like seeing a problem and not being able to help with it. Our dear friend AmberBob is having more than her share of bad luck lately.

apocalypticbob has had far more than her fair share of car problems; most recently that her new-to-her car has blown up and not in a fun, happy way.

So the suggestion has been made and I've decided to go into high gear to try to help her out. So I'm going to do what we've done a couple other times,which is to make my PayPal account available for fund-raising in her behalf.

I'd like to see an out-pouring of love on a concrete level, to help AmberBob not only fix her car but also to let her know that her friends love her and want to help her. I know that everybody is in pretty tight circumstances right now, but $5 or $10 or $20 when put together with other friends bits of money can, and has in the past, really added up substantially. She has been instrumental, herself, in doing fund-raising for various causes. Now it's time to give a little back; I think it would do very good things for her mood and outlook right now.

Also, I intend to put a couple of items up on eBay to see if I can sell them at a decent price, perhaps a new Fiddly bag purse, and will donate that money towards AmberBob's car repairs.

So....the email address is It has a small starting amount that I will donate. Please add in whatever you can. I've messaged a couple of her other friends who are not on my flist, hoping that they'll also help to spread the word. Please DO pass this word along and see what we can accumulate to help out a wonderful, talented, lovely and amazing woman.

I know we are all in sucky straits right now. This could happen to any of us. But in tiny increments, we can make big differences, and the difference between having a car and not is a pretty big difference. A lot of financial tailspins start with "Well, my car died. . . ." So anything you can spare is great.

friends, halp

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