Homepwned Homeowners.

Oct 22, 2008 03:27

Ugh. Y'all, oh my god, y'all.

The greatroom probably has four times the surface area of a standard room, what with the added footage provided by the peaked ceiling and the various architectural features. We've color washed a mixture of dark brown, dark gold, and rich red over white satin paint, and the mottled sandstone effect is quite inviting.

We finished tonight, and all that's left is going through and correcting areas where it's too dark or there are obvious blending lines or smudges. It looks pretty damn good.

It's been really slow work, and I've done most of it myself since I have the most time and the most facility with the tools. For a while it felt like vandalizing someone else's house, which was kind of fun. The front room feels mine now, but the back bedrooms - which I have been in only a handful of times and still have not started painting - still feel alien and strange.

I am exhausted. I've been climbing up and down 15' ladders for two nights now. It's not the climbing part that wears me out, it's how every muscle in my body locks rigid when I'm up there. I am very afraid of heights. Have I ever said that? Well, I am. It's easier and faster, though, for me to do it myself in the first place than for me to stand around while Sargon does it and then go up to fix the spots he didn't get quite right. Not that I'm perfect. One side of the pillar looks pretty awful up near the top.

We are both pretty stressed out and having sleeping problems. I'm full of desperate anxiety and total exhaustion, but I don't want to sleep. I have no energy for cleaning up this house, so it's a complete disaster that I wouldn't inflict on an enemy, and I'm too tired to fix decent meals so I've been living off fast food. My body hates me right now and wishes I would die. Needless to say, art is not happening. Nothing is happening but house crap. I have deadlines to meet, but even thinking about it tonight makes me want to heave.

But that room is fucking done, and I am not going anywhere tomorrow but out with bat_cheva to go see my sister, whom I miss, and then home so I can unwind in private with Sargon and some therapeutic blatant-abuse-of-power dice and paper roleplaying. And my cats, who are convinced that I hate them because I have been gone so much. And after this the other rooms are TINY.

There's a fine balance between wanting to have the move over with and not wanting to repeat the mistakes that were thrust upon us when we moved into this house. Last time, we didn't have time to redecorate at all before we moved in, and guess what? It never got done. People talk about just moving stuff in and then shifting it about and painting and so forth around it, but we can't function like that. We are not the kind of people who fiddle with our surroundings and move things about. We need at least the greatroom, bedroom, kitchen, and one back room finished before we make the transfer.

I'm not even going to touch the madness of having to fix this house up before we sell it. "As is" is great, but even that won't fly with bricks falling off one side of the house and a giant hole in the other, and the whole thing held together by tarps.

I am tired and I feel held together by tarps, too. I'm excited about moving . . . well, no, but I'm excited about being elsewhere. I just hope I can make it until then. Transitions fucking suck.

I didn't mean this to be a negative entry, I'm just dead on my feet. If I'm hard to get hold of for another few weeks, it's because this is going to take a while to sort out. But it is going to look awesome when it's done, I can tell you. SO awesome.


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