The Helpful Fish Wants You to Halp!

Sep 20, 2008 03:13

This is going around my f-list, and I had my camera near to hand tonight, so:

Take a picture of yourself right now.
Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture.
Post that picture with NO editing (except, you know, to keep it to a reasonable size).
Post these instructions with your picture.

That's what it's like most of the time. If it's not one cat butt in my face, it's another. Fish is being an especial cuddly little pain in the neck tonight. Those are my new glasses, by the way. I think they're great!

Moving on to two other animal-related notes, I meant to post this yesterday when it could do some good, but had internet problems.

For Tulsa area people, the Sand Springs animal shelter is having an adoption fair this Saturday, the 20th. It's from 10 am to 2 pm at the Atwoods at 730 E Charles Page Blvd. Adoption fees are super, super cheap: $35 per animal, $25 of which is refunded upon spay/neuter. Animals that are already neutered are only $10. If you or someone you know is looking for a pet, this is a great opportunity!

Also, this is Oakley.

A friend emailed me this earlier today:

My neighbor's name is Sarah and her dog is Oakley. He's a Shih-tzu. He was adopted from the shelter and is barely over two years old. He's a funny little dog. When I first went over to Sarah's house Oakley hopped up onto my lap and demanded pettings, all the while growling softly at me. I didn't know what to make of it but then when I went over I came to expect him bouncing up and down and the minute I sat down, him popping into my lap and demanding his pettings.

The other day when I went over there he wasn't doing well. He wouldn't move much and whimpered and was shaking terribly. Sarah and I work together so we headed off to work. When we got home we found that after we left Oakley had gone and hidden behind a chair and laid down and stayed there all day. When he was taken outside he didn't poop and barely piddled. He wouldn't eat or drink either. I took a look at him when I went over there; his gums were pale and sticky. When you picked him up his little body went rigid and after a few seconds he'd start to shake, badly.

Sarah's boyfriend Alex has been laid off and although he's desperately looking for work, the unemployment rate in this area is staggering. Two weeks ago Sarah found out she was pregnant. Their house was recently foreclosed on so they had to move next to us into the trailer of a friend who was spending alot of time out west on buisness. That's just some info on their situation.

Alex and Sarah are so worried about their little guy that they cashed Alex's unemployment check to get him to an emergency vet in Lansing, but even then they couldn't afford the X-rays. Today he was taken to the vet I took my cats to and they were able to get those x-rays as they were a bit more affordable. What they found is unsettling. Three of the discs on his back are quickly deteriorating, making his life very painful. The vet said that it's possible he hurt them by just falling down off the couch, playing with the big dogs or something really simple. They've said that with steady stream of steroids, painkillers and antibiotics, that he might get past this and be on in about a month. But . . . it's also possible that he may not get past it and will have to have surgery.

Needless to say that with a laid off guy, who is trying his best honestly, and her being preggers, they're not exactly on a huge budget for the puppy. So, yeah.

This is the same friend -- the other Amanda -- who, like me, is really diligent about helping critters she comes across. I told her I'd post this so that anyone who is able can lend a hand. It can't hurt to ask. Things suck for a lot of folks right now, and it's not Oakley's fault things got rough for his people. This recession has hit hard, and I hate that our animals suffer, too.

If you can help out, contact Amanda directly at

I hope y'all have a good weekend! I'll be back tomorrow with some links, and some silliness, and maybe some bone pics.

halp, kitty pics, doggie pics, silliness, pics, cats, animals

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