Friday Randomness.

Aug 23, 2008 04:06

Tomorrow we go to look at a bunch of houses in my dad's neighborhood, and a couple of them look like excellent prospects. It would be really fantastic to live closer to my dad. A couple of the houses are within spitting distance of him. Another is cattycorner to the house of my hopeless childhood crush, whom I'll have to tell you about sometime.

The horror of the HUD house from hell has faded for the most part, but not without a souvenir. The .wav file of my scream of fleeing sanity is downloadable here for your amusement.

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I finished a box tonight - finally! - and will be finishing the other next week. If you have emailed me about a commission, please, please be patient. I'm waiting until I'm done with these to take any money or even discuss specifics. I appreciate your indulgence. This has, creatively, been a really hard time for me, and I'm sorry it's affected my productivity.

I have been accomplishing a few other small things, but weather has not cooperated, and so I haven't been able to get outside to take pictures or to take pictures of art or of skulls. I'm sorry about that too, mostly because I am just so darn excited, and I want to share all this neat stuff with you! Especially the wolf penis!*

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I've found a devil deer skull (Reeve's muntjac) that I really want, for way cheaper than I've ever seen one. It's still . . . expensive, and I shouldn't spend the money. But those teeth. It's so evil-looking, but cute!

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We've been watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles on DVD, and I'm really enjoying it a lot. This is not hurt by the fact that Thomas Dekker is a little cutie-pie. He has that bad boy thing going on, but he also has "lost puppy" and "please help me" all over him as well. He manages to pull off the combined volatility and vulnerability of a teenager without being too annoying.

We're four or five in, and I'm pleased with it so far. It has its problems, chiefly the limited villain dynamic, but the three main characters have really good chemistry, and Lena Headey is actually really cool as Sarah. I like her narration at the beginning, middle, and end of each episode. The dialogue is all very well-written.

I am in a kind of LJ limbo, here, trying to make some really tough decisions about how to run comments on entries likely to spawn wank. The epic amounts of fail lately have really made me reconsider how or whether to continue posting feminist-type stuff. Not because I'm not up for the argument, but because I have other shit I have to do, yo.

I'm also in a bind about my f-list. I need to trim it down by a third or so; it's really unmanageable. I already have my friends page heavily filtered just so I can get things done, but that makes me feel guilty as it is. Not reading someone but leaving them friended feels really dishonest to me. At the same time, I really do like these people, and I don't want to lose their friendship even though I don't have the time to read.

Feh. No answers for that, yet. It's all sticky.

Anyway, it's time for me to paint some and then try to sleep. I hope you all have a good weekend. If you're waiting for an email answer from me, either nudge me for it, or wait a while. Sorry things have fallen a bit behind.

* You will just have to wait and see if I am kidding about that.


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