Original Poster: I'm tolerant of most opinions, but I just can't respect pro-lifers.
Me: Right there with you. But, then, why should I? They have no respect for me as a woman.
Random Person: Speaking as a pro-life woman over here - it's not that we have no respect for women. We just place a life, or potential for life, above comfort. Does that
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She felt all life is sacred and starts at conception, and that abortions are killing a life... BUT, she accepted that in many cases, women need them... So - she totally was okay with exceptions for life/health of the woman... and she even went so far as to be understanding of mental health of the woman as well...
What she would say is that we need to have a society that would support women to not get abortions... financial support if a woman wanted to keep the child, free adoption services including paid medical for those who didn't want to keep the child... improved medical care to reduce risks to health and comfort of the woman during pregnancy...
She even encouraged medical research into how to transfer a growing fetus out of one woman and into a surrogate mother or a "mechanical womb"...
And she was absolutely supportive of birth control and sex education...
And I told her that she didn't sound like much of a pro-lifer, because she was pretty much saying that she didn't like abortions, but supported a woman's right to do what was best for herself...
And she told me that she felt that by making abortions illegal, that this would force our country to develop programs and policy to support all of those nice things she was talking about that supported women... and then we wouldn't need abortions anymore...
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