Original Poster: I'm tolerant of most opinions, but I just can't respect pro-lifers.
Me: Right there with you. But, then, why should I? They have no respect for me as a woman.
Random Person: Speaking as a pro-life woman over here - it's not that we have no respect for women. We just place a life, or potential for life, above comfort. Does that make any sense? I mean, I don't like women in general - I think most of us are annoying bitches - but I would never want to take away the rights of women because of it, or rights I feel women are entitled to. We deserve to vote and to work and all that good stuff, but abortion interferes with what most pro-lifers believe to be another human being and their superior right to live. It's not about respecting women at all, it's just about respecting life in general. But that's coming from somebody who catches flies in a glass to let them back outside.
Me: What with the "annoying bitches" thing, why should I believe anything you have to say about "respecting women?" I don't think you do, and it's obvious from your other beliefs that you don't trust women to make their own complicated moral decisions, which amounts to a fundamental lack of trust and respect. I'm sorry you don't realize how disrespectful all of that is.
You can have your opinion, and I don't have a problem with that, but you'll never get me to agree that anyone but me knows what is best for me, and you'll never get me to agree that you have a legal right to tell me what to do with my body. That's morally repugnant.
Is it just me, or is it especially disturbing to run across pro-life women? "Annoying bitches?" And yet she claims to respect women just fine, thanks.
No, it doesn't "make sense." I fail to see how, if you think things through, advocating the abolition of abortion is not fundamentally disrepectful to women, since it implies that we're just a bunch of stupid bitches who don't know what's good for us, and that our value as thinking human beings is exceeded by our potential use as vessels for the next generation of male children.
And "rights I feel women are entitled to?" Sweetheart, nobody wants to take away rights they feel people deserve. That's what sort of what "I think you are entitled to these rights" means. That you don't want to take them away. In fact, one could argue that there is no such thing as right to which someone is not entitled, because a "right" to which you are not automatically entitled is, in fact, a privilege. See, the thing about my right to do what I want with my body is that it exists whether or not you choose to acknowledge it. Because it's a right, not a privilege.
"Superior right to live?" According to whom, again? Oh, right. Someone who has no right to be making that judgment for anyone else. Period. Who the fuck made you the three-headed moral watchdog of my cunt?
Prithee, I invite thee to make thy repast from this paper receptacle packed chockablock with comestible phallic confections!