The Leg-Biting Bitch HATES Your Petty, Gutless Conscience

Jul 16, 2008 03:20

Okay, this is a rant, and it got really long, and it probably wandered all over, but I beg of thee, WHAT THE FUCK?

This fundamentalist infestation is getting out of hand. The shit I have read this week has just appalled me, and now this:

United States Department of Health and Human Services proposes classifying contraception as abortion.

Just . . . I am too revolted to sum it up. Just go read.

Yeah, yeah, it may not go through, and I hope that it doesn't, but still. Does the fact that this has been proposed not scare the bleeding fuck out of you?

But remember, folks,

Having kids will make you happy and fix everything. In fact, it's pretty much the greatest thing ever.


You don't have to like it, just fucking do it, you stupid, stupid bitches. God knows, you don't know what's fucking good for you.

And anyone who tries the "There, there, pat pat, things aren't so bad!" tactic on me tonight is going to be wearing their ass for a hat. This individual instance may not be that bad. No individual thing is that bad. But it's part of a pattern. What the fuck does it take for people to see what is going on? From where I'm standing, in a backwards state full of poor people who cannot afford to travel, with only one abortion clinic, with mandatory counseling and waiting laws, it looks very fucking bad indeed. They are required to have an ultrasound, often a vaginal ultrasound, even if they are rape victims who might, you know, object to having things shoved into them by people they don't know. They are required to wait 24 hours between "counseling," which is biased against abortion, and abortion itself. Many can't afford the drive, much less the overnight stay.

These amoral fucks do not want women to have control over their own bodies. Period. End of story.

It is exactly. That. Simple. No other explanation fits. They either have to trust women to make their own decisions, even if some might be decisions they don't like, or they decide they don't trust them, in which case they obviously think that they are smarter than all women and believe that nobody should have a choice at all. If you are against it, you are an amoral shit. Period. And I really don't give a flying monkey turd if I have anti-abortion people hanging around here who will start wringing their hands about my having called them amoral shits.

An amazing number are even hypocritical, amoral fucks who think abortion is okay if it's, you know, for them, or for their daughter, or whatever. But not for us irresponsible spraddle-legged fuckslots. Oh, no!

Last week, we learned that Barack Obama is not our friend. He supports tightening restrictions on abortion, and he does not believe that mental distress is serious or life-threatening. Even if he was lying to that Christian magazine, his words are reprehensible, and further, an act of cowardice. I've heard it dismissed as "politics", people have excused it: "Of course he's saying that. He's trying to get votes." It is not politics. It's hundreds of thousands of lives. My life is not a fucking bargaining chip on the table of rich assholes arguing over who gets to be King Shit. He's either someone who either genuinely believes the damnable lies our culture tells about women, or who is too chickenshit to say what he really thinks.

I'm past caring which it is. All I care about is that women's rights are seen as negotiable, something that there should be give and take on, compromise on. Fucking compromise. On our humanity. Our lives. All I care about is that now women's safety is getting narrowed from both ends.

Pharmacists are denying people birth control. Do these smarmy little dog turds get barred forever from practice? No! In fact, the fundie asshole brigade has started their own little fundie pharmacy where you can't buy basic shit like condoms or birth control. Bet they still stock Viagra, because thwarting god's will does not extend to boners.

Ambulance drivers can now refuse to transfer women for lifesaving abortions because these people who deal with decapitations and eviscerations and impalements and amputations think it's icky that a woman might want to save her own life by ditching a baby that's going to fucking kill her. And if she drops dead, can they be held responsible? Not in Mississippi!

And other states are eyeballing similar laws, which would allow small-minded fundie doucherags hiding their bigotry behind the aegis of "conscience" to cast aside their sworn duty and take their moral high horse out for walkies while people suffer and sometimes die. More here, if you can stand to read it. There's some doozies in the comments.

And here, in case you wanted to know all the ways in which an abortion could be needed to save someone's life, which apparently these snotty little shits count more cheaply than tongue-kissing their god's honky ass while rubbing their hard conscience through their bullshit-filled moral diapers until they achieve some kind of transcendent orgasm attainable only by people capable of fitting their entire heads up their self-righteous asses. Every time a fundie fuckwit masturbates his puny little ego, god kills a poor woman. How about that? Oh, that's right. They don't care!

Open letter to you simpleminded, condescending little twits:

What the fuck, people? Your petty grandstanding means fuckall in the face of someone else's life, and if you have sworn to serve, you are flying in the face of your duty to even think twice about doing something that puts the life of a pregnant patient at risk if she consents and wants you to fucking do it. If I want my unborn baby dead and me alive, you had goddamn well better respect my wishes, because I'm the one who can think, reason, remember pain, and feel fear.

Sometimes, you dead-souled, unreasoning fuckwits, a woman actually wants a baby she is forced to abort. But no, you'd have her suffer, and have the baby suffer -- if either lived -- because it tickles your sense of righteousness' dick when innocent people suffer. Suffering, after all, brings us all closer to Jesus! Isn't that right? Letting innocent people suffer, letting them die, that's just like kicking ass for the lord! Let women die, just so you can feel good about not having done anything that goes against that book you've had to have explained to you by people who believe that god created pretty much everything except homos during a week-long manic state.

Fuck. You.

All you vapid, fundamentalist shits. Fuck you and your "The female body is an enemy. It can't be trusted. We need laws to govern it, we need a higher authority to keep it out of trouble."

Fuck you. You actually think you fucking own us? To the point of blaming us for "consequences" that you fucking inflict on us?

Fuck that shit. Fuck it, you moral coprophages. Fuck it, suck it, eat it, and die shitting it again.

And you know what? I've had to listen to your offensive, misogynist shit for so long that I am sick to the point of barfing. Your story has gotten aired so much its nauseating stench is noticeable worldwide, and I really don't give a rat's prolapsed asshole to hear your dick-puke opinion. So go rant on your own little fundie troglodyte corners about what a heinous bitch I am, but don't you fucking bring your "but, but, but" shit here.

That's right. Y'all can just shut up and know how it feels to be denied your voice and to know that nobody gives a lizard-raping fuck what you think.

Hope to find your head in a beehive someday,


ETA: Go here. Sign this.

abortion, rage, feminism, rants

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