I had more nightmares last night!
The first one wasn't a bad dream at all. It was only a bad dream when I woke up.
I dreamed I went to my dad's house. My uncle Jim was on a riding lawnmower, mowing the front yard, but before I could call out, he rode away into the park across the street.
A little confused, I walked inside, and the kitchen counter was covered with pretty shopping and gift bags. The chest we always used to carry food on vacation was on the kitchen table, which was covered with unpacked food, clearly the remnants of a road trip.
My dad sat in the "den" (which hasn't been the den in that house in 20 years) watching TV. The sequel to A Knight's Tale was on, some bloody jousting scene that ended with a gore-streaked Sir William stripping off his armor and clothes to get his injuries tended to. I went back into the kitchen to get a drink so I could sit and watch it with him, and my mom came in.
"Gee, you're home already?" I said. "How was your trip to Eureka Springs?"
"It was great. I brought you all these presenents!"
I woke up before I could investigate the contents of the packages, and immediately crumpled under the weight of disappointment. Mom, of course, is never coming back from her vacation, my uncle Jim is never going to ride back in from that park, and there is never going to be a sequel to A Knight's Tale. I don't know why the hell my subconscious chose to kick me in the gut like that, but it was seriously unpleasant. It was a nice dream, but the waking up was not nice.
I went back to bed and had some other dreams I don't remember, then had another nightmare about Sargon and venomous snakes.
Rough night. Something mean lives in my lizard brain, and it apparently likes to bite.
Anyway, unlike last night, the weekend was fabulous, beginning with lunch at Goldie's with
lady_fox and
angrybunnyman. Thank you for driving down. It was great to meet you in person. Feel free to testify in comments that Tulsa is a very scary place.
It ended with Sargon and I watching
Sheena. It was even more horrible than I remember. The last time I saw it I was nine or so, and lacked the faculties to truly comprehend its awfulness.
Right now I'm going to go for a walk and attempt to shake this funk that has me feeling truly crappy, then I'm going to shower and try to do something productive with my day.