Movies. Swooning. Tom Welling.

Jun 23, 2006 03:34


Who sent me ze bunny movie? Convess!

Got a (wet, and thank God it was shrink wrapped) copy of Watership Down in the post late today. It's been one of my favorite movies since I was wee, though looking back on it I can't think why on earth my parents allowed me to watch it when it gave me recurring nightmares. I still love it, and find that as I grow older, I identify with different characters, get different lessons from it. It's a good movie that way. Like the Last Unicorn. Movies and books that need to be revisited, because as your point of view shifts you get different things out of them. Stories like that are important, they can teach us throughout our lives if we let them. We don't have myths any more; we need to take these things where we can get them.

Big Trouble in Little China is like that too, but for totally different reasons. I just find something new to laugh about every time I see that movie, and I will probably never stop loving it as long as I live. Jack Burton throwing away his boot knife while trying to draw it is one of those blink-and-you-miss-it movie moments that only really great comedy flicks can afford not to telegraph. That movie is full of them. Actually, I think Kurt Russell is full of them.

Anyway, whoever sent me the movie, I thank you. I theeeenk I know who the culprit was, though.

In other news, got a little woozy and actually swooned in the kitchen this evening because I was dumb and stood with my knees locked for too long. I had to stagger to the bedroom and lay down with my feet up. I always forget that on days I give blood I tend to get faint if I stand after sitting for a long time.

I'm okay now, and besides, swooning is sexy. Or is that just me being Southern again?

I think I'll play it safe tomorrow, though, and stay close to home. I'm pretty wiped, and the only reason I ain't in bed yet is because I had a nap earlier, and I have a couple things to finish.

Speaking of which, I have to hop to. Duty calls, and all that jazz. Due to an unprecedented three days without interruptions, I'm already a third to halfway through another box, and THIS one I am dying to show you all.

Oh. And since I've been watching a crapload of Smallville, I want to inflict upon show you some hot pictures of Tom Welling. How much better does it get than that? (Okay, well, he could be in a wet white tee-shirt.) He's so cute. Is it any wonder he's my crush du jour? (I wonder if this is really him; if so, he needs to grow his hair out again. And get rid of those awful pants. I promise I won't mind the naked.)

movies, red cross, boy hotness

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