Sep 30, 2002 22:53
Is it not amazing how three little words can effect your world in the strangest way possible. The same word you have whispered to your parents before a great big bear hug and they tucked you into bed, don't seem to mean the same thing. Two of those words in front of any other word in the english language mean very little, just a saying really.
It's not until someone feels the words deep inside, and you feel them too, that the reality of those words carry a totally different meaning.
I know that I have only ever said those words to two people and meant them, known without a doubt that they came from my heart and that they were real. Once they were reciprocated, for a while at least, and the other, well that was never meant to be. There was a time I truly wondered if I could let someone get that close again, let myself feel without fear.
It's those words I think, that I fear more than anything. Watching someone walk away, saying they feel the same but they are not "in love" anymore. Feeling like a part of your soul is being torn out, your heart shattered. It's not a good feeling, certainly one you don't bounce back from instantaneously. Saying them to someone who is never going to reciprocate pretty much leaves you feeling the same way.
So why do we do it? Why do we strive to find that one person who we can open our hearts to? While all the time fear that the feelings will not be returned?
I've decided life is way too short, that risks are worth taking. I truly believe if two people want something bad enough, and are willing to work hard enough ANYTHING is possible. But then again, Mum always said I live in my own little dream world...