If life is a bowl of cherries, why do I feel the pits.. is that what Erma Bombeck said?

Jun 18, 2007 09:08

It's been a month since I have written. That's not to say I have not been reading my friends' journals. I admit that I have not commented but have been happy to have those entries to read.

Life certainly has been difficult. This grieving thing is getting to me. I hate that I am overcome with sorrow at the oddest moments. I sure miss my Dad.... and Mom, well, we moved Mom into a home a month ago. She is in the assisted living area. I go see her once a week. It's like visiting someone who reminds me of my Mom but isn't my Mom. The dementia is eating her away which makes me so sad. She could not care for herself alone at her house and yet does have periods where she seems like her old self... but that doesn't last. Of course she hates the home and wants to go to her house. I wouldn't say she is terribly unhappy, she just isn't happy. It is eating us kids up.... we feel like we have lost both our parents and for me it troubles me that I didn't really get to say good bye to either of them.

Okay, on the positive happy side, my youngest daughter was home for a week in May and my oldest will be home over the July 1st weekend. Hurray for that. Thank goodness I have my girls. The in laws arrive tomorrow afternoon for a visit until Friday. Unfortunately the Big Guy is working half days for the next six weeks (I am not impressed as he promised no working in January and February or July and August.... he says he has to take the work... he is driven that's what he is.. grrrrrr) Anyway, will just do the best I can with his folks.

We started having what we have dubbed as "Friday beer on the deck" with some friends. We get together at one another's house and have lots of laughs. It has been very good for me, I look forward to that couple of hours each week. We decided that we would have dinner once a month so that's fun too... otherwise just munchies .... The weather has been awesome every time we have had the folks here.. Hurray!

Our yard is looking quite good. Lots of lilies, daisies, all in bloom. The coral bells are outstanding too. Our yard is becoming established enough that there isn't the hours of weeding we have had the past couple of years. Hurray to that too!

So other than my grief, having put on way too much weight and running to see my Mom, life is really pretty darn fine..... most days
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