And the beat goes on

May 17, 2007 22:07

I realize I haven't written in some time. Life has had many ups and downs for me this past month.
As my regular readers will know, my Dad died ten weeks ago. The day he died my Mom was admitted to the hospital where she remains. Yes, we are into week eleven. She had surgery for a bowel obstruction and has what we hoped would be a temporary iliostomy... The original plan had been in twelve weeks after the bowel rested it would be reversed. Yah right. So Mom wasn't healing, has had several blood transfusions, on and off of IV, in and out of critical care.... last week they put a pacemaker in..... this week they have finally done scopes etc and confirmed that yes, she does have cancer of the bowel. She has become very confused. not sure if it's alzheimers, dementia, or because she has been so ill. Needless to say life has had more down times than up, which is unfortunate.

This is a long weekend here in Canada.. May 24th. Hurray.. my youngest daughter arrived home today for a ten day visit.. Boy do I need this, a distraction from all the unhappy things going on.

I am hanging in here, visiting Mom, trying to keep on top of my housework etc. Afraid my friends are being neglected but the good ones know why. It's been a challenge to remain optimistic and upbeat.

On the up side, the warm weather is here and our flower gardens are coming along swimmingly!
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