Jan 07, 2012 11:51
The first weekend of the New Year has arrived, and it finds me parked in front of the computer, with the only other occupant of the apartment being one passed-out brown cat. My hunny is at work again today, and has warned me to expect her absence for several Saturdays to come, because of a newly-deployed accounting system on her employer's mainframe...one that doesn't accomplish what her department needs. (Do NOT get me started on how many rules of software development her employer broke. I've been threatening to show up at the server room, with sledgehammer and soldering iron in hand, ever since I heard how borked the process was.)
I'm not going to go through the routine of griping about how hard it's been for me to find work (which I still haven't). Instead, I'm going to look at what else I'm doing...namely, starting to write again. In earnest. The software manual I put together is resting on its laurels right now, with no errors or unclear sections reported by either the development team or the user base, so I'll just watch and wait and see what's coming down the pipeline next as far as enhancements or fixes. Meanwhile, I've been sent a couple of short-short story writing prompts, one of which goes to a critiqued contest. I'll get that written today and uploaded to the appropriate location, then see how it progresses. Meanwhile, I have another story I put on the back burner over a year ago, and I'd like to dig it out and work on it. It started as a NaNoWriMo project, but I had to drop it because of my workload at the time, and I never picked it up again. Now's a good time to dust off the creative part of my brain and see how flabby the mental muscles have gotten. The only way to toughen and tone them is to use them, just like the rest of the body. And it won't get any easier if I procrastinate.
First things first, though. I need to put something together for lunch, then look at what the menu for dinner will be and make any necessary preparations, and do some housecleaning that didn't get done yesterday. Don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise...being a house-husband is NOT all laziness and relaxation.
Catch y'all later. Hugs to those who need 'em, those who want 'em, and those who don't run fast enough!