Jan 04, 2012 19:49
Tonight's experiment: lemon-sage chicken cutlets. The recipe made the process look much more difficult than it turned out to be. The prep was a bit tedious since I had to pull leaves off sage sprigs, but not impossible. My only ongoing problem is that I'm gun-shy when it comes to reducing a sauce. After the balsamic glaze I was trying to reduce turned into candy, I tend to pull reductions off the heat a bit early to keep from destroying them. I know my hunny keeps telling me it's an acquired skill, and I love her dearly, but considering we actually do involved cooking maybe twice a week, it's likely to take me quite a while to acquire it.
At least I know what both of us are having for lunch tomorrow. And we're looking forward to it.
The recipe said it should be served alongside a warm farro salad or other grain, but we opted for mashed potatoes, and honestly, I can't see where it lost anything by going with mashed potatoes, and I didn't feel like going through the additional prep for the one grain we do have on hand, rice. Besides, I have absolutely no idea how to prepare a warm farro salad!
Next up is an apple and sausage risotto. That will be Saturday's experiment, since we typically do no-cook Fridays out.