Mar 31, 2001 20:21
Lately, I find myself wondering about the emotional responses of women. I was going to try to make this entry of a nongender nature but I have to state that I am typing more so on the "female condition". Now I have to tell you I am not some young fella trying to get a grip I type from observations and personal experience of 35 years in this life. It was brought to my attention by a friend of mine that it was rare to be 35 and not divorced with kids. I agree there. I think it depends on your goal in life. My goal is quite simple. I want to live an uncomplicated life and in peace. To do that I have had to live single. I know that I have my quirks everybody does but I was brought up different then the way I see most people acting.
I might have had a bit of bad luck in my last 3 relationships and I am not quilt free in my actions in some of them but I have to question behaviors such as; arguing for the sake of arguing, mood swings and misdirected energy. Because my goal is peace I have to jetison individuals out of my life that display such behavior. I find it odd that most of those people are female. I know there are inherent differences between the sexes and I understood that at a young age ya know what I mean that whole men are from mars women are from hell thing:). I don't want to come across as a member of the women haters club its just that my last 2 associations went to hell in a hand basket over night. I found myself scratching my head wondering where I went wrong.
Oh well, if maintaining peace in my life means buy a six pack of beer, a good cigar and renting a porn flick as a prelude of an evening of masturbation then so be it. I mean if my hand bitches at me it will most probably have a good reason to.