May 16, 2004 23:38
okay i wanna go to bed so this'll be a lil short. friday i didn't go to school so me and kelli could do our community service because we missed the stupid retreat. so we went to good ole thecla to help out, that was fun. i saw some old teachers but most people there didn't recognize me because i changed alot since most of u know. anyways after that me and kelli drove to res to see people, we drove katie to her car, and then i dropped kelli off. i met up with nat, patti and michelle and we went to corner bakery, where they ate and i drank. patti left and the rest of us went to pick up adrian from school, got there a lil late...sorry age... anyways then i went to work and after work i went to dance and after dance i came home and got ready. me, nat, n kk went to woodfield to meet up with nate...awww sucha cutie. it was amazingly pretty easy to be talking to him, i was surprised at myself. normally i woulda tuck my tail between my legs and ran away. but it was cool. so adorable. but even before then me nat n kk went to borders and i finally got a copy of the turner diaries i started reading it this weekend, it's a pretty good book. the kinda stuff i like to read....stupid res, althought a raisin in the sun doesn't seem so bad yet. anyways saturday i woke up around 10 something and rushed my ass outta the door to get to kk's graduation and after that kk, nat, david, and myself went to OCB with muh b. it was yummmmyyyy, i wish i hadn't had gas i bet i woulda liked it a whole lot better. after that we drove back into the city, natalie went home, kk went to davids, and stephen went to eric's. i went home because me and amanda had to leave to go camping. that was a great drive up to the trailer me and amanda talked like the whole way and i love how our relationship keeps going. see amanda it's not just a, hehe, "spring fling"! teehee! get it cuz it was like over spring break...heh heh yaaah...anyways so we got there and played a prank on my mommy and dady, hehe. then the asshole attendant person yelled at us. FUCKER!!!!! grrrr! um after that we watched a movie, played barbies....yes i do play barbies, and yes i do enjoy it. went to bed. woke up sunday ate a lil donuts, mmmmm. then we played basketball, damn mana pie we got skizzzills! shit gurl. we kept making dem shots like michael jordan! hahahaha! soon after then we left or something, i know we played barbies sometime during that morning i just can't remember when. i gotta get to sleep though there's a pain in my left arm and it's getting worse so i'd rather not feel it ciao!