May 11, 2004 22:55
So today I was all ready to go to work or wutever and I come home and amanda made it seem like she didn't want me to go, so I call mom and tell her that and she lets me stay home. Then I tell amanda and she's like "I was just kidding". So I went to get gas, and when I came back we watched home videos and shit. We got TB, and I saw Josh again. He's always there when I go lol. Then Adrian came over and watched home movies with us... Embarrassment! Then we all went to some park Adrian told me about (amanda has been there) and we found a baseball, played with that, did some gymnastics (adrian not included) and played in the park. We went on these springy things and I was like circling around on mine and i fell off =[ then my shoe flew off, but it didn't hurt it was funny! and HAHAHA amanda got stuck in a baby swing, Adrian had to like lift the swing up so I could pull her out, It was hilariuos. After we went to the park we went to the woods...SCARY TIMES! we were walking towards this hill we went sledding down and you can hear some guy like yell! So I got freaked out of course and wanted to leave. But it was fun! I gtg busy day tomorrow! Ciao! =]