boring day again

Jul 30, 2003 20:35

i had another boring day...
woke up around 1 p.m. and like came online..
was hungry cuz all i ate was a bowl of cereal =(
theres nothing to eat in the house.... blah
no fruit or anything good! the mangos we have arent ripe enough yet
but yea.. around 5 i went to amys house
bonded w/ her again.. so much to talk abt =D
nice bonding w/ her.. talked .. and talked.. and yea talked.. haha
she gave me a ride to lianna's where LC mtg. was
talked abt social.. and the lpa fun in the sun thingy...
amys party is gonna be postponed dude haha
man.. cant wait for freshman orientation.. imma show the freshies the wrong places =p haha j/m
we might have another fundraiser for LC @ ralphs hopefully.. no albertsons PLEASE! =D haha
i dont wanna go thru that embarrasement again
i dont and cant look at that guy again.. i hope he takes weekends off now lol
hanging out w/ sylvia tomorrow =D we're gonna go watch movies yea! haha
oh.. after LC mtg. me and amy went to Mcdonalds and talked some more.. abt how things are and stuff..
very nice to bond w/ her .. tomorrow i'll be bonding w/ sylvia.. and i need to make a bonding date w/ sam ..
yep.. thats all for today.. really boring actually
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