Prompt: Getting fitted for a tux
Rating: Everyone
Note: A little way in the future, but not much
Word Count: 868
Huey stood as well and comfortably as he could while the tailor bustled around him, trying to take his measurements, and knowing - as everybody else did - that it was only a matter of time. Elliot’s grinning face reflected in the mirror from where he was sat at the back of the room was especially irritating, given that Elliot was only here for the entertainment. Dwayne was sat next to him, for much the same reason, though at least more apologetic about it; while Huey’s mother was stood closer, overseeing things; and Huey’s father was sat on a chair at the side, obviously a little uncomfortable, but then why had he even come? Huey really never should have told anybody about this, or snuck off to do it in secret. He was going to have to text all his siblings, Brawly and Grandpa Juan just to thank them for not coming.
Finally frustration and probably curiosity overcame the tailor, “Excuse me sir, but out of interest: is this from some kind of medical condition? Because while we deal with plenty of… larger gentlemen, the weight gain tends to be more… spread out over the body.”
Huey sighed to himself and he could just about hear Elliot chuckling, as he knew he would be.
‘Fortunately’ he was saved answering by his mother, who ‘refreshingly’ and defensively cut straight to the point. “He’s pregnant.”
The tailor stared at her and then glanced to Huey with uncertainty.
He sighed again, louder. “Yes: I am a man, I was born completely male, and I am 8 months pregnant.” Elliot had now fallen sideways with not-quite-silent laughter.
The tailor stared at him in alarm and then glanced at the others, as if somebody might explain it in some way that made sense in his knowledge of the world. Like it was a joke, or Huey was a mutant.
“Don’t look at us,” Dwayne managed to choke out through his laughter, “we didn’t get him pregnant!” Elliot was now literally rolling on the floor laughing, struggling to breathe. Huey would have to hit him later.
“If there were any justice in the world,” he stated coldly, “you would be next, Elliot Harris.”
Elliot took a few moments to calm down to the point where he could actually speak, “Well there’s not, and it’s what you get for messing about with telescopes. Told you the aliens were bad news, but nooooo, you didn’t listen to me, and now you get to be a proud mother.”
The tailor looked positively alarmed, and was probably wondering if he was being the victim of one of those hidden-camera TV shows.
“Look: it’s not important. I am a man, I am pregnant, but you don’t have to worry about it happening to you so long as you stay away from telescopes at night.”
“Er, right.” The tailor probably didn’t really believe him, but he looked a little relieved to be able to stop the conversation and, if they weren’t lying, avoid male pregnancy himself. “Er, but anyway, your… bump will make it especially difficult to have the suit fit properly around it.”
“There must be something you can do though, right?” Tina chipped in assertively. “It’s his sister’s wedding very soon and he really does have to look smart.”
“I’m sure there are plenty of formal dresses in the maternity section, Hue,” Elliot laughed with a devious smile, but one which was increasingly dampened by Tina’s incredibly-useful-but-rarely-seen Glare of Disapproval. It almost made Huey glad she came as he watched his mother ruin Elliot and Dwayne’s fun a little.
“Well, er, pregnancy or not,” the tailor restarted the conversation, “based on that idea, I believe that it would be entirely possible to create a smart suit to fit, with perhaps an elasticated waist on the trousers around the bump, perhaps covered by a cummerbund which you can tie as loose or tight as you need. It may still be difficult to get the shirt to hang right, and it’s unlikely that you will be able to button the jacket around the bump, but it should look smart nonetheless.”
“That sounds ideal,” Tina smiled, while Jose nodded, looking still a little concerned and disturbed at the whole situation.
“Excellent. Well, I’ll do the best I can and then let you know when I believe it’s done.” The smile was forced, but Huey couldn’t exactly blame him, and Jose followed Tina as she went with the tailor to pay.
“I hope it won’t be too expensive,” Elliot smirked, “I have money on you going into labour during the ceremony, and, if your labour’s anything like Robin’s, you won’t be wearing that suit again!”
“We don’t even know for sure where it’s coming out, do we?” Dwayne frowned.
"I assumed it would be like in that film, you know: 'Alien'? It's going to burst out of Huey's stomach and try to kill us all."
Huey ignored him as he slowly sat down in his father's vacated seat, “Probably through an incision in my stomach."
“You’re on surgery duty during the service then Dwayne!” Elliot clapped him on the shoulder.
“Yeah,” Huey agreed. “I’ve got some tools; you can start practising on Elliot now.”