the storm has passed untill Sunday... But I hope it never comes back. Pffft...

Jul 15, 2005 18:01

Thanks to you hella kewl peopz who gave me some braincells so I wont have to keep wasting mine on this shit goin on. I went in today on my day off (finally a day off!) to pick up my paycheck and Ruth was working. She was drivin the security cart and saw me leaving the guard shack where we pick up our paychecks. I cant tell she hates me now, but the good thing, is she isnt fired. :) The bad thing is I know deep inside she hates me like hell. I told her Im sorry I had to let the boss know. She said it was okay, but I think she just said that in the workplace, cuz she didnt sound one bit hella tight like she was with me before. She even was revvin and accelerating the guard cart as she drove up to me then stopped just a few inches from me. Then the boss came around the corner and asked her why is she talking to me and was asking if Ruth was starting anything with me, and I said no, I was just apologizing, and it was kewl, no problems. But somehow, when I looked at Ruth as she pulled away, I could just sense it that Im numero uno up on her shitlist and something is going to happen, like something planned. Im hoping in time, maybe she'll see I was just doin my job and that I backed her up as much as I could untill it jeopardized losing my job. Cuz I sure as hell am NOT gonna go down for something I totally had no part in. But in the somewhat end of this shit Im wallowing in, Im happy for her that she didnt lose her job, and that I didnt lose mine. Maybe after some time blows over, so will this tension and anger. For me, Im feeling hella better, really. Also, I flipped big time when after all that I headed back to my homeboy Brian's car and opened my paycheck to see the amount of $950.00. I was like, "Oh snap!!!" It was funny too cuz there was nothing but old peopz shopping around me when I yelled that and they just looked at me funny, but I dont care cuz that is one helluva big step towards getting my apartment. I am hella happy and after all, today was an okay day. Im just gonna enjoy it for now and try not to even think about when I go back to work on Sunday. Oh yeah and I finally got my air conditioner for my room, brand new in the box, so I think its time to set this badboy up and enjoy somethin for once. *laughz* ^_- Thanks for real for the thoughts, you two really helped my brain out on that one. *mad hugzz*


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