Sniff, snortle, pass the kleenex please.

Mar 24, 2009 22:28

After dealing with bronchitis/pneumonia (actual diagnosis "Broncholitic pneumonia" fancy huh?) for 2 weeks which when I was not at work I was either in a hot shower trying to open what pretended to be my lungs so I could breath I was dead in bed (or at least doing a good imitation of dead). And yes, I worked all but one shift while sick. Might as well get paid while feeling like total crap.

Then just as I am feeling slightly more human I realize that it was about to be mid-term exam time! ACK! Time to hit the books and cram! Mid-terms came and went and while I wish I  could say I made straight "A"s I am content with holding mid and high "B" averages in my classes this semester.

Then the all important SPRING BREAK! Since most places dont want a middle aged studen parading around in the typical spring break hot spots I spared everyone the eyesore and stayed home and instead worked over time.

And that folks is how life has been more or less on my end of the keyboard. LOL

The upside to life? Thought not only were we having to fork out a few thousand this week to have our septic system repaired but that we were going to have to pay out the nose for an electrician. Last night just as hubby put the finishing touches on the last computer we lost power to the house. Long story short was a chewed wire that was easily fixable while daylight (damned squirrles!). We learned the gentleman across the street (a very nice disabled Vietnam Veteran) used to work in the military doing electricial work! So he came over and helped hubby fix the electric problem. Took one trip into town a few hours chasing wires and TAA DAA we were once again back on the grid. Just wish it was that easy to repair the septic system. sigh.

Now that I am over the "Broncholitic pneumonia" everything in my yard has decided to pollinate. I feel like my head is stuffed full of rough cotton! :(   Maybe when the guys are out end of this week working on the septic system I can get them to roto-rooter my sinuses? LOL

allergies, electric, septic

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