knee update

Oct 29, 2007 21:32

It has now been a year since I "blew out" my left knee. I have undergone 3 different rounds of physical therapy (one 6 week round before surgery, one 6 week round after surgery and now in week 3 of 5 of another round), I have had it reconstructed. I have spent 3 months on crutches. I have undergone 2 seperate sessions of once a week for 5 weeks Synvisc injections with the last session having been last week.  I should be better than I was pre-injury right?! sigh. Wrong. The damn thing keeps "locking" (and usually at the worst time. As if there is a good time?), it grinds worse than the coffee bean grinder on my kitchen counter, and in general its being a pain in my life. I want it fixed. I want to be normal and if I want to dance I can dance, if I want to ride a bike cross country I should be able to jump on a bike and go (of course I would have to get a new bike as my bike is buried under layers of silt thanks to the flood). I'm not asking for much. All I want is my life back.

Ok... I'm through whining (about this anyway). Back to life.

On an upbeat note not knee related: I got approved for the "SAW"  (school at work) program at work! This means my work will pay my tuition *up front* for my classes while getting my Master Degree in Nursing! Yeah, there is a string attached in that I have to sign a contract saying I will work one year post graduation but hey...  not having to worry about the books/tuition and not having to travel to a college campus (work has a set up where UTA instructors come to the hospital for our classes and/or we take the classes via the internet. Cool huh?) is worth one year of my nursing career.

work, knee, school

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