Its about *&^%$%$# time!

May 15, 2007 19:01

I warned y'all... the cussing had begun! But the good news is I am now part of the late 20th century. I now have broadband internet! YEEEEEEEAAAAHHHHHH!

Oh yeah... and I have HD television too.

On other topics and notes:

Youngest kidling *and* Oldest kidling are both going to be in Fall Guard for marching season. I have a feeling I am going to be doing more sewing than I can keep up with. Oldest kidling decided since this upcoming year is her Senior year that she was going to have fun with it and since she has been in marching band all these years that for her Senior year she would try something different and tried out for Guard and made the team. Youngest kiding is such a natural at it I was going to be suprised if she hadnt made the team seeing how well she did this past winter in WinterGuard. Of course with both girls in different high schools at least there isnt the "rivelary" that seems to be inherent when siblings are in the same activity.

broadband, kidling stuff

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