
Nov 11, 2005 15:38

hey so i had my interview it was awsome they had two doggies runnn around and they were in da interview room wit us. and its very casual jeans a T shirt. and everyones very nice and laid back and funni. i hope i get it she said that i will def hear from her by wensday, so i hope i get the job.

so im gettin more and more pissed about this kennel buisness. its just such horseshit that they want me to give them 209 dollers for euthenizing cloey and bc cloey bit off her staples b.c THEY DIDNT GIVE HER A ELIZABETHAN COLLER that they were supose to so its THERE fault she bit em off. so theres no way im paying 100 dollers b.c they donno how to do there job !!! and they want 100 dollers for euthinizing her when i wasnt told it would cost anythin and if i knew it would have i would of gone to the animal rescue league and got it done for 60. fuckin horshit and they also said tht if i dont pay it by the time my check comes they take my check wich was yesterday. so they prob took my 140 somethin check wich is bullshit cuz they cant do that cuz i never SIGNED the handbook tht said they can!!!. bullshits

im still sick i think i have a sinus infection so i gotta go to the docters todai. i also have to get my shoes at davids bridal and get my toes done and pack and walk the dogs. fun stuff. well gtg byebye

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