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News of the day
Jul 07, 2010 13:46
The women who work for The Daily Show respond to charges that the show's management is sexist
Code for America, a new non-profit, is looking to bring "Web 2.0" technology to municipal governments
they're looking for developers, designers, and product managers
in (or willing to relocate for a year to) the SF area. (They also have
a pretty cool t-shirt
The UK Supreme Court has ruled that two gay men, one from Cameroon and one from Iran, have the right to asylum in the country
. "They had earlier been refused asylum on the grounds they could hide their sexuality by behaving discreetly."
Somewhere between New York, LA, and Washington DC, four guns belonging to Israeli security services went missing from their checked luggage
The US Justice Department has launched a widely-expected suit against Arizona's new immigration law
Many Kenyan women too afraid of sexual assault to use communal bathrooms after dark
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